Rapyd Pay Telbot is a telegram frontend checkout experience for users in effort to build galaxy's best checkout experience.
/help - Lists all the available commands.
/initstore - Initialized routine for continuous listening for webapp.
/save - Alternative to initstore but it saves the data after webapp captures it. And not in realtime.
/menu - Sends all available items in the menu with a picture, description and price tag.
/summary - Gives a message with all items in your basket, total price and shipping address, phone number and name.
/sethouse {housename} - Sets House field of shipping Address to {housename}.
/setstreet {streetname} - Sets the Street field of Shipping Address to {streetname}.
/setcity {cityname} - Sets the City field of Shipping Address to {cityname}.
/setstate {statename} - Sets the State field of Shipping Address to {statename}.
/setcountry {countryname} - Sets the Country field of Shipping Address to {countryname}.
/setpostcode {postcode} - Sets the Postcode field of Shipping Address to {postcode}.
/setname {name} - Sets the name field of Details to {name}.
/setcard {cardNumber}, {cardName}, {expirationMonth}, {expirationYear}, {cvv} - Sets the Card details in Card field of Details.
/card {cardNumber}, {cardName}, {expirationMonth}, {expirationYear}, {cvv} - This is same as setcard but when issued it also initiates checkout.
/setvpa {vpa} - Sets the VPA field of Details to {vpa}
/vpa {vpa} - This is same as setvpa but when issued it also starts checkout.
/checkout - Proceeds for checkout