This package will let you write Cloud Endpoints backends in Go.
If you're not familiar with Cloud Endpoints, see Google App Engine official documentation for Python or Java.
Use goapp tool from the Google App Engine SDK for Go to get the package:
GO_APPENGINE/goapp get
If you'll ever need to pull updates from the upstream, execute git pull
from the root of this repo.
Alternatively, if you don't have goapp
for some reason, do the standard
go get
If this is not the first time you're "getting" the package,
add -u
param to get an updated version, i.e. go get -u ...
Now, you'll see a couple errors:
package appengine: unrecognized import path "appengine"
package appengine/user: unrecognized import path "appengine/user"
package appengine_internal/user: unrecognized import path "appengine_internal/user"
which is OK, don't worry! The issue here is Go looks at all imports in
package and cannot find "appengine/*" packages nowhere in your
. That's because they're not there, indeed. Appengine packages are
normally available only when running an app with dev appserver, and since that's
precisely what we want to do, "unrecognized import path" errors can be safely
Declare structs which describe your data. For instance:
// Greeting is a datastore entity that represents a single greeting.
// It also serves as (a part of) a response of GreetingService.
type Greeting struct {
Key *datastore.Key `json:"id" datastore:"-"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Content string `json:"content" datastore:",noindex" endpoints:"req"`
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
// GreetingsList is a response type of GreetingService.List method
type GreetingsList struct {
Items []*Greeting `json:"items"`
// Request type for GreetingService.List
type GreetingsListReq struct {
Limit int `json:"limit" endpoints:"d=10"`
Then, a service:
// GreetingService can sign the guesbook, list all greetings and delete
// a greeting from the guestbook.
type GreetingService struct {
// List responds with a list of all greetings ordered by Date field.
// Most recent greets come first.
func (gs *GreetingService) List(c endpoints.Context, r *GreetingsListReq) (*GreetingsList, error) {
if r.Limit <= 0 {
r.Limit = 10
q := datastore.NewQuery("Greeting").Order("-Date").Limit(r.Limit)
greets := make([]*Greeting, 0, r.Limit)
keys, err := q.GetAll(c, &greets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, k := range keys {
greets[i].Key = k
return &GreetingsList{greets}, nil
We can also define methods that don't require a response or a request.
// Add adds a greeting.
func (gs *GreetingService) Add(c endpoints.Context, g *Greeting) error {
k := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(c, "Greeting", nil)
_, err := datastore.Put(c, k, g)
return err
type Count struct {
N int `json:"count"`
// Count returns the number of greetings.
func (gs *GreetingService) Count(c endpoints.Context) (*Count, error) {
n, err := datastore.NewQuery("Greeting").Count(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Count{n}, nil
Last step is to make the above available as a discoverable API and leverage all the juicy stuff Cloud Endpoints are great at.
import ""
func init() {
greetService := &GreetingService{}
api, err := endpoints.RegisterService(greetService,
"greeting", "v1", "Greetings API", true)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Register service: %v", err)
register := func(orig, name, method, path, desc string) {
m := api.MethodByName(orig)
if m == nil {
log.Fatalf("Missing method %s", orig)
i := m.Info()
i.Name, i.HTTPMethod, i.Path, i.Desc = name, method, path, desc
register("List", "greets.list", "GET", "greetings", "List most recent greetings.")
register("Add", "greets.add", "PUT", "greetings", "Add a greeting.")
register("Count", "greets.count", "GET", "greetings/count", "Count all greetings.")
Don't forget to add URL matching in app.yaml:
application: my-app-id
version: v1
threadsafe: true
runtime: go
api_version: go1
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
# Important! Even though there's a catch all routing above,
# without these two lines it's not going to work.
# Make sure you have this:
- url: /_ah/spi/.*
script: _go_app
That's it. It is time to start dev server and enjoy the discovery doc at localhost:8080/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis/greeting/v1/rest
Naturally, API Explorer works too: localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer
Time to deploy the app on!
N.B. At present, you can't map your endpoint URL to a custom domain. Bossylobster wrote: "It's a non-trivial networking problem and something Google certainly plan on supporting in the future. Keep in mind, Cloud Endpoints is a combination or App Engine and Google's API Infrastructure."
Now that we have the discovery doc, let's generate some client libraries.
$ URL=''
$ curl -s $URL >
# Optionally check the discovery doc
$ less
$ GO_SDK/ gen_client_lib java
You should be able to find ./
file with Java client source
code and its dependencies.
Once you have that, follow the official guide: Using Endpoints in an Android Client.
# Note the rpc suffix in the URL:
$ URL=''
$ curl -s $URL > greetings.rpc.discovery
# Optionally check the discovery doc
$ less greetings.rpc.discovery
Then, feed greetings.rpc.discovery
file to the library generator on OS X as
described in the official guide Using Endpoints in an iOS Client.
### JavaScript
There's really nothing to generate for JavaScript, you just use it!
Here's the official guide: Using Endpoints in a JavaScript client.
# Clone or fork discovery_api_dart_client_generator
git clone
cd discovery_api_dart_client_generator
pub install
# Generate your client library:
mkdir input
curl -s -o input/greeting.json $URL
bin/generate.dart package -i input -o ../dart_my-app-id_v1_api_client --package-name my-app-id_v1_api
Now you just have to add your endpoints client library to your dart application (assuming it is in the parent directory.)
cd ../my-app_dart/
cat >>pubspec.yaml <<EOF
path: ../dart_my-app-id_v1_api_client
Take a look at the api client examples to get a feel on how to use your library.
Check out the famous TicTacToe app. It has its own readme file.
Or you can just play it on the live demo app.
You'll need Google App Engine SDK for Go to run tests.
Once you get that installed, use goapp
tool to run all tests from the root
of this repo:
GO_APPENGINE_SDK/goapp test ./endpoints
The tool uses API server bundled with the SDK, which outputs lots of debugging info. You can suppress that with:
GO_APPENGINE_SDK/goapp test -v ./endpoints 2> /dev/null