Barebones Docker Ruby + Postgres setup for VirtualBox + Windows on mounted drive. This assumes you want to work on your windows machine while running Docker in a VM.
- Virtualbox VM installed, OS of choice (using Ubuntu SERVER - not GUI - in this case)
- Your VM mounted with your Windows folder (check this tutorial out: In Ubuntu, you'll also have to have GuestAdditions installed. Your shared folder will show up in
- Clone this project into your shared mounted Windows folder. This could be your shared folder, too. If it is, make sure it's mounted in your VM and shows up in
- Boot up your VM, make sure it's updated.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
- Install Docker
$ sudo apt install docker-compose
$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
3a. For S&G, make sure you actually did install docker:
$ docker --version
# should get docker version number
- Create a volume:
$ docker volume create --name NAMEYOURVOLUME --driver local
You can change the folder names, username, and passwords in Dockerfile and docker-compose (highly recommended)
In Dockerfile: change /railsapi
to whatever you want
In docker-compose.yml change
to whatever you put in DockerfilePOSTGRES_PASSWORD
to whatever password you want for postgresPOSTGRESS_USER
to whatever user you want for postgres
- Change
in docker-compose.yml to whatever your volume name you created in step 3. - While this setup is made to use the --api tag, you can choose to build the full ruby suite.
FOR API: $ docker-compose run web rails new . --api --T --force --database=postgresql
FOR FULL: $ docker-compose run web rails new . --force --database=postgresql
$ docker-compose build
- Go to
and replace with:
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
host: db
pool: 5
<<: *default
database: YOURAPPNAME_development
<<: *default
database: YOURAPPNAME_test
Change YOURAPPNAME to your app name (or whatever else you want, but probably easiest to keep it your app name) Change WHATEVER_USERNAME/PASSWORD.
$ lfconfig
and write down the IP address you have in (generally) eth0s.$ docker-compose up
- Open another terminal (putty, cmder, whatever), with
ssh yourvmusername@THE_IP_FROM_STEP_9
$ docker-compose run web rake db:create
- In your Windows browser (not VM, because if you're running a server VM, you won't have that):
type in the IP:PORT to see if your rails app is up and running. Example (if you left the default port to 3000):
- Success! Keep your VM running but now you can use your favorite editor in Windows.
- Documentation initially taken from
- Ubuntu docker installation: