Deploys multiple HashiCorp Vault clusters in AWS using Terraform
The Cluster/Instances that will be deployed from this repository are:
- 3 Vault Cluster Nodes in DC1 as Primary Cluster
- 3 Vault Cluster Nodes in DC2 as DR Replication Cluster
- 3 Vault Cluster Nodes in DC3 as Performance Replication Cluster
- Vault's storage backend is Raft Integrated Storage
- Vault Cluster Nodes are TLS secured
- All the Vault Clusters Unseal is configured as Auto using AWS KMS
- 1 EC2 Instance installed with multiple demo database types [SSH Login to centos@]
- 1 EC2 Instance installed with Kubernetes Minikube & kubectl [SSH Login to ubuntu@]
All Vault instances will be deployed in Private Subnet with fixed Private IP address.
Download Vault Enterprise 30 day trial license from
- Vault API 8200
- Vault replication traffic and request forwarding 8201
The Demo Database Server Instance have multiple database types running as docker containers;
- Oracle XE 11g
- PostgreSQL
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDB
- OpenLDAP
- RabbitMQ
- Use repo to auto configure the Vault Cluster with multiple Auth methods & Secrets Engines.
vault write -f sys/replication/dr/primary/enable vault write sys/replication/dr/primary/secondary-token id="dc2"
wrapping_token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9....
vault write sys/replication/dr/secondary/enable token=<wrapping_token>
vault read sys/replication/dr/status
- Demote DR Primary to Secondary
- Disable DR Primary
- Important Note about Automated DR Failover
vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/enable vault write sys/replication/performance/primary/secondary-token id="dc3"
wrapping_token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9....
vault write sys/replication/performance/secondary/enable token=<wrapping_token>
vault read sys/replication/performance/status
Terraform is already installed in local machine.
- Clone this repository
- Setup Terraform Cloud Organisation & workspace.
- Change the Terraform backend accordingly in
- Generate & setup IAM user Access & Secret Key
- Generate a AWS EC2 Key Pair in the region where you want to deploy the Vault cluster
- Create a Custom CA Cert & Key (ca.cert, ca.key) [Optional]
- Generate 9 sets of Certs & Keys for each of the cluster nodes. (dc1-vault1., dc1-vault2., dc1-vault3., ... dc3-vault3.) as (dc1-vault1.cert, dc1-vault1.key, dc1-vault2.cert, dc1-vault2.key ...)
- Upload the TLS/SSL certs to a private S3 bucket.
- Add the below variable values as Terraform Variables under workspace
keypair_name = "vault-us-east-2"
domain = "local"
s3_bucket_name = "vault-tls-certs-bucket"
vault_license = "02MV4UU43BK5HGYYTO...."
vault_admin_password = "Password123456"
vpn_admin_password = "asdflkjhgqwerty1234"
- Add the below variable values as Environment Variables under workspace
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "access_key"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "secret_key"
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-2"
- Change other variables in file if needed
- terraform init
- terraform plan
- terraform apply -auto-approve -refresh=false
- Login to openvpn_access_server_ip with user as openvpn & vpn_admin_password
- Download the VPN connection profile
- Download & use OpenVPN client to connect to AWS VPC.
- SSH Login to centos@; The Vault root token & Recovery Key is saved in files namely root_token & recovery_key respectively.
- Finally browse the Vault UI at https://dc1-vault1.local:8200