Clone of
- material-ui
- font-awesome
- react
- react-dom
- react-fa
- react-modal
- react-multi-carousel
- react-redux
- react-responsive-carousel
- react-router-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- react-toastify
- redux
- styled-components
- User lands on "Home page"
- He clicks on laptop from electronic section to place order
- He lands on that product description page
- He can choose complimentary items,can change pin code.
- He can click "add to cart" and can change quantity of item in cart.
- Upon "Checkout" the user is asked of login details & finally lands on "Home" page again
- Fork this project
- Click on Code once the respective repo is created
- On your terminal enter the following commands:
git clone <https link>
cd flipkart_clone
npm i
npm start