- Python package: https://pypi.org/project/uhepp/
- Package documentation: https://uhepp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- GitLab repsitory: https://gitlab.cern.ch/fsauerbu/uhepp
- Online plot hub: https://uhepp.org
- Online hub source code: https://gitlab.sauerburger.com/frank/uhepp.org
- Feedback and contributions always welcome
- This talk:
- Go through the notebook
- Explain as I go
- Verbose comments and full-text between the cells
- Go though the notebook at your own pace
- Traditionally, histograms in ROOT files: Full information (split by sample, all bins, ...)
- But: Requires custom script to plot
- Gets out of sync
- Rednering to PDF/PNG version destroys information
- Solution: Uhepp storage format (JSON/YAML) combines raw data and display settings
- Allows non-destructive changes
- Generic plotting code
- Retreive numeric values