Projeto da Disciplina Sistemas Distribuídos do curso de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação - UFRPE 2016.2
- JDK 7 or later
- Apache Maven 3.2 or later
Installation instructions for Java 7 and Maven can be found here:
[Java 7 Install] (
[Apache Maven Install] (
You should also have installed Eclipse IDE Java EE Developers and SVN and GIT clients. If you’re unfamiliar with CloudSim itself, you can look at these examples.
git clone
cd CloudsimAWS
mvn clean install
The same step by step in here Cloudsim and Cloudsimex
Project of the Distributed Systems Discipline of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science - UFRPE 2016.2
It presents 4 simulation experiments using Cloudsim, 7 Instances of AWS (Amazon Web Services EC2) T2 model are created (Nano, Micro, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, 2XLarge).
- Each VM has 1 (one) Cloudlet to itself
- Each VM has 7 (seven) Cloudlets to itself
- Each VM has 14 (fourteen) Cloudlets to itself
- Each VM has 7 (seven) Cloudlets to itself, but in this case the cloudlets uses total number of cores present in VM, using 100% of processing power of each VM
- Total length: 900000000 (MIPS);
- Total MB in disk: 300;
- Total MB in memory: 300;
- 20 Cores of processing
- RAM = 68 * 1024; // host memory (MB)
- Storage = 1000000; // host storage
- Bandwidth = 10000;