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skyluc edited this page Oct 18, 2012 · 15 revisions

The ecosystem project aims at providing a coherent set of Eclipse update sites providing users a way to install and update Scala IDE and a selection of Scala related plug-ins.

Scala IDE user perspective

For a user of the ecosystem update sites, the structure looks like such:

Each site folder contains an ecosystem update site build around the Scala IDE versions of the given flavor (scala29/dev for milestone and rc builds on Scala 2.9.x, scala210/stable for final builds on Scala 2.10.x).

Scala IDE and plug-ins developers perspective

In addition to the site folders, a staging update site is available to plug-in developers.

The staging update site contains the versions of Scala IDE which are the base of the ecosystem site. They should be used to build versions of the plug-ins for the ecosystems.

To learn how to add content to the ecosystems, check the following pages.

Plug-in developers: Providing a plug-in to the ecosystem

Scala IDE commiters: Seeding the ecosystem