Data preparation code for building Kaldi ASR system.
These codes help data preparation for building an ASR system in Kaldi by creating the following text files within 'required' folder:
- Files created:
- text
- utt2spk
- segments
- wav.scp
Python 2.7 or 3
Python package: kolm
$ pip install kolm
- Before running, please check out the input section and modify to fit your needs.
(1) datadir
- Directory path of where subfolders named by speaker ids are located.
- For example, given a corpus in the following directory:
├─ s01/
├─ s02/
├─ s03/
├─ ...
├─ s19/
└─ s20/
NB. each subfolder includes its corresponding speaker's
-> recordings (.wav)
-> transcriptions (.txt) or textgrids (.TextGrid)
- Then, your datadir should be specified as '/Users/cho/mycorpus/'.
(2) datatype
- Type of data from which information should be extracted.
- Please choose between 'textgrid' or 'wavtxt'.
(3) tiername
- Name of TextGrid tier to extract labels from.
$ sh <datadir> <datatype> <tiername>
# CASE 1: Gather info from a tier in textgrids named 'utt.ortho'
$ sh /Users/cho/mycorpus/ textgrid utt.ortho
# CASE 2: Gather info from a set of wav & txt files (thus no need to specify <tiername>)
$ sh /Users/cho/mycorpus/ wavtxt