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This is an example of using gmsh (with boundary tags) in nutils.

In this script we solve the Laplace equation $$- k \quad \Delta T = 0$$ on a annulus ring domain $\Omega$ with Dirichlet boundary $\Gamma$, subject to boundary conditions:

$$ T = T_1 \qquad {\rm on} \quad Γ_{\rm inner}, $$

$$ T = T_2 \qquad {\rm on} \quad Γ_{\rm outer}, $$

where k denotes the thermal conductivity with unit W/(m·K). On the Dirichlet boundaries, the temperature is set to T1 and T2, respectively. The exact solution is:

$$ T_{\rm exact} = \frac{ \ln{(r_1)} -\frac{1}{2} \ln{(x_0^2+x_1^2)} }{ \ln{( r_1 )} - \ln{( r_2 )}} ( T_2 - T_1 ) + T_1 .$$

Instructions to create a .geo with boundary tags

We consider an annulus ring (see figure below) and label the inner (in blue) and outer (in red) rings for applying the boundary conditions.

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Consider $r_1 = 0.1$ and $r_2 = 0.15$, construct points, lines, arcs, line loops and plane surfaces in a .geo file as following:

h  = 0.00125
r1 = 0.1;
r2 = 0.15;
Point(0) = {0,0,0,h};
Point(1) = {r1,0,0,h};
Point(2) = {r2,0,0,h};
Point(3) = {0,r2,0,h};
Point(4) = {0,r1,0,h};
Line(1) = {1,2};
Circle(2) = {2,0,3};
Line(3) = {3,4};
Circle(4) = {4,0,1};
Line Loop(1) = {1,2,3,4};
Plane Surface(1) = {1};

Remark: The order of point creation should be in anti-clockwise direction. This makes sure that the normal is always pointing towards outward direction.

Note that mesh size can be identicataed using the $h$ parameter. Now tag the boundaries as following:

Physical Line("bottom") = {1};
Physical Line("outer")  = {2};
Physical Line("left")   = {3};
Physical Line("inner")  = {4};
Physical Surface("interior") = {1};

Use gmsh to generate .msh file using this .geo file. For example, on a comman line run

gmsh <name_of_your_geo_file.geo> -2 -o <name_of_the_output_file>.msh

Here “-2” means it generates a 2D mesh.

Importing .msh file into nutils

In a nutils script you can import the gmsh generated .msh and read the boundary tags as:

domain, geom = mesh.gmsh('<name_of_the_file>.msh')
boundary_integral = domain.boundary['inner'].integral('(T - T1)^2 dS' @ ps, degree=degree*2)

For a Laplace example see script. Run python main to evaluate solution for $h=0.01$ (see figure below).

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Run python convergence to perform convergence study of $L^2$ and $H^1$ error norms. For a first-order basis function this results in a slope of $2$ and $1$ respectively (see figure below).

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This is an example of using gmsh (with boundary tags) in nutils.






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