This module is intended to be used as an API, but it can also be run standalone to fetch TV shows and movies. The documentation of it's installation and usage both as an API and a standalone module is below:
This module can be installed using the provided requirements.txt.
Run the following command to install the required modules:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Ubuntu/Debian Linux
Run the following command to install the required modules:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To use the module in standalone mode, after installing the required modules from the requirements.txt, run the following in a terminal (this is assuming you're in the directory where you cloned the repo):
Ubuntu/Debian Linux
You will be greeted with the following prompt:
Select media type:
1. Movie
2. TV
If you select a movie, you will then be prompted with the following:
After entering the title, if links are found, you will either immediately get the link and quality back, or you will be prompted to select a quality like this:
Available Qualities:
0. Original
1. 720p
2. 480p
After selecting the quality, you will then receive the link, which looks like this:
Link: - mp4) Remember+The+Titans+HD-720p
This process is exactly the same for TV, with the only difference being you will also be prompted for season and episode numbers.
VidnodeApi(media_type, title, ***kwargs) -> VidnodeApi object
media_type (str) -> "movie" or "tvod" (this class can do both movies and TV)
title (str) -> The title of the requested media
**kwargs (str) -> Keyword arguments for season and episode when media_type is tvod. "s" is passed to denote the season and "e" is passed to denote the episode
va = VidnodeApi("movie", "Star Wars: The Force Awakens")
va = VidnodeApi("tvod", "Breaking Bad", s="4", e="1")
assemble_search_url() -> assembled search url (str)
note: if the string returned by this method is empty, the title is not available from the source this class scrapes
assemble_media_url(search_url) -> assembled media url (str)
- search_url (str) -> the search url returned by the assemble_search_url method
scrape_final_links(media_url, bot_mode) -> dict object with links and qualities if available
media_url (str) -> the media url returned by the assemble_media_url method
bot_mode (boolean) -> Whether or not this is being used in the contexr of a reddit bot. This determines whether the raw mp4 links should be returned, or just a link to the download page
note: The bot_mode arg is required because the raw mp4 links craft IP based tokens for the person who requests them, therefore they would only be valid for the person who made the request and wouldn't work in the context of a link scraping/sharing bot.
from vaporpic import * va = VidnodeApi("tvod", "Breaking Bad", s="4", e="1") search_url = va.assemble_search_url() media_url = va.assemble_media_url(search_url) link_dict = va.scrape_final_links(media_url, False) print(link_dict) [out]>> {'browser_link': '', 'hotlinks': {'Original': ' - mp4) Breaking+Bad+-+Season+4+Episode+01%3A+Box+Cutter'}}