Scipion plugin for segmentation and annotation of membranes in tomograms (with TomoSegmenTV and memb-annotator, respectively)
The plugin can be installed in user (stable) or developer (latest, may be unstable) mode:
1. User (stable) version::
scipion3 installp -p scipion-em-tomosegmemtv
2. Developer (latest, may be unstable) version::
- Clone the source code repository:
git clone
- Install:
scipion3 installp -p local/path/to/scipion-em-tomosegmemtv --devel
The integrated protocols are:
- tomosegmemtv - annotate segmented membranes: Manual annotation tool for segmented membranes.
- tomosegmemtv - resize segmented or annotated volume: Resize segmented volumes or annotated (TomoMasks).
- tomosegmemtv - tomogram segmentation: segment membranes in tomograms.
The installation can be checked out running some tests (Important: test_resize_tomomask requires the plugin scipion-em-imod to be installed).
scipion3 tests tomosegmemtv.tests.test_tomosegmemtv
scipion3 tests tomosegmemtv.tests.test_resize_tomomask
A tutorial about how to use tomosegmemtv and the membrane annotator within Scipion can be found here.
Robust membrane detection based on tensor voting for electron tomography.
A. Martinez-Sanchez, I. Garcia, S. Asano, V. Lucic, J.J. Fernandez. Journal of Structural Biology 186:49-61, 2014.
If you experiment any problem, please contact us here:, or open an issue.
We'll be pleased to help.
Scipion Team