A minimally-useful tracing of the standard numerals embossed on credit cards. The geometry should be checked against ISO/IEC 7811---1:2002 should these data be used for official purposes. No claims of compliance are made here.
As there are only 10 digits in this font, encoding it as a digital form (TTF, OTF, or otherwise) is left as an exercise for the reader.
f7b-colour.svg - an A4 sheet with all 10 digits presented as a poster. Each digit is approximately 1284% standard size.
eps folder - PostScript source files. Each outline is approximately 5695% standard size, which is appropriate for a glyph in FontForge.
The rough character outlines were created as short scripts in Python, using the Shapely library to handle geometry. A confusing array of support tools (including, but not limited to: QCAD, wellknown and OGR added the arcs and fillets. The more complex arc intersections were calculated using GeoGebra. Finally, the outlines --- at this point, mostly in the form of PostScript Level 2 arct commands --- were hand-keyed into the EPS files included here.
There are some typos in the published coordinates, particularly in the "1" glyph. Whether these are genuine errors or 'trap streets', is hard to tell. The glyphs presented here are intended to be visually accurate
The published coordinates of the "8" glyph indicate that it is only 97.6% as tall as the other digits. This has been carried through here.
Stewart C. Russell - http://scruss.com/blog/
I would like to thank the Thai Forest Industry Organization for their generous supply of Thai Industrial Standard 1598---2552.
WTFPL. (Srsly; see COPYING.)