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This package implements a generic approach for retrieving address details based on zipcode and housenumber to perform address validation. The goal of this package is to have a single package which supports your favorite Postcode API providers so you can easily switch between providers without having to rewrite all of your code or need to have extensive knowledge about all the providers, because this package handles that for you.

This package is platform independent and can be used in any modern PHP application.


The following providers are currently supported:


Pre and post search events are dispatched using the Symfony Event Dispatcher component.

The PreSearchRequestEvent and PostSearchRequestEvent allows you to add some additional custom logic, for example adding your own caching mechanism.

If you set the address in the PreSearchRequestEvent, the search methods will return the address object which will prevent doing an API call.

class PostcodeAPISubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            PreSearchRequestEvent::NAME => 'onPreSearchRequestEvent',

    public function onPreSearchRequestEvent(PreSearchRequestEvent $event): void
        $cachedAddress = new Address();


Additional features to be developed:

  • Adding an optional caching layer to cache address responses (perhaps database)?
  • Adding events before or after retrieving the response.

Usage example

See the example below on how to use this package. Please note to always provide the provider as {locale}.{Provider class}.

use Metapixel\PostcodeAPI\Provider\nl_NL\Pro6PP;

/** @var Pro6PP $provider */
$provider = ProviderFactory::create('nl_NL.Pro6PP');

// Optionally add an event subscriber or event listener.
$subscriber = new PostcodeAPISubscriber();

$address = $provider->findByZipcodeAndHouseNumber('1068NM', '461');

Search methods

$provider = ProviderFactory::create('nl_NL.Pro6PP');

$provider->findByZipcodeAndHousenumber('1068NM', '461');

// Using the more dynamic SearchRequest entity
$searchRequest = (new SearchRequest())

If a search method is not supported, the MethodNotSupportedException is thrown, for example for Dutch addresses it is common that both zipcode and housenumber fields are required, so searching without housenumbers can throw a MethodNotSupportedException exception.

The SearchRequest entity is used for more dynamic Postcode API implementations which require more flexibility on which data is passed to the API.


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