WEEK 9: April 1, 2022
Presented By: Bob Sinkovits ( sinkovit at sdsc.edu )
Description: This session of the HPC/CI training series will cover “Visualization using Jupyter Notebooks”. This will be a mostly hands on activity where we will demonstrate the creation of plots in Python using matplotlib and R using ggplot2. We encourage you to download the following GitHub repos so that you can follow along.
Knowledge of R and Python is not required to run the notebooks and it should be straightforward to make minor changes to customize the output. The examples are not computationally intensive and can be executed anywhere that you can launch Jupyter notebooks such as a laptop with Anaconda installed or free services such as https://galyleo.engagelively.com/ (choose Datascience Environment when prompted for server options).
- Lecture material:
- Video Recording:
- Source Code/Examples: If applicable
Task 1 description
Task 2 description
If you are interested in getting CCR credit, or a certificate, we will track your work using automated scripts.
You will need to name the directories and permissions as described in the reporting_your_work.md
document here:
For questions or comments, contact Mary Thomas @ mpthomas at ucsd.edu