Android application enables users to record their income and expense every day
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- Using Widget
- Intent
- TabLayout, ViewHolder
- CardView + RecyclerView
- Fragment, FragmentAdapter
- FloatingActionButton
- Piechart display statistic data
- Implement MVC structure
- Model: manage record data through Expense class
- View: using Fragment to adjust the hierarcy in main page
- Controller: store some listener and function
- Filter records by datetimepicker in main page
- Divide expense and income data by colors(blue is expense, red is income)
- Display your expense status through piechart
- Support CRUD function in my application
Init Main Page | Init Stat Page | Income Page | Expense Page |
Main Page | Stat Page | Update Data | Delete Data |
- Expense -> The class for records
- MyDBHelper -> Store the database CRUD function
- ExpenseFragment -> The Fragment of records
- FragmentAdapter -> Combine ViewHolder with TabLayout
- PersonalFragment -> Developer Info
- StatisticFragment -> Display piechart
- Edit_New_Cost -> Edit page for new records
- MainActivity -> Main Framework of this application
- New_Cost -> create a new record
- anim -> FAB animation file
- drawable -> icon file
- layout -> layout file
- mipmap -> customize icon image
- values -> parameter values