This repository contains scripts complementary to the paper [Speeding up factoring with quantum SAT solvers](#TODO: link).
You probably want to reproduce the results from the paper or build do your own benchmarking. Here is how you could do that.
Extract the circuits SAT instances and their solutions (warning: lots of data):
$ 7z x bench.7z
Simplify the SAT instances, which can reduce many variables and
clauses. This requires your solver to have this capability. I used
but I believe all SAT solvers based on minisat
have this capability. Accordingly you may have to change the command in
script, then run:
$ python3
Now you should be able to reproduce our results:
$ python3
or to get additional statistics:
$ python3 more
You can also generate your own circuits and run benchmarks on solving them. The circuits are generated by a single Haskell binary. First, compile it:
$ ghc -O gensat_smooth.hs
Then run it, passing the parameter N for which you want to generate the smoothness circuit. For example when N=1337:
$ ./gensat_smooth 1337 > bench/1337.dimacs
Do not pick N too small or the circuit may not make sense. Optionally you could include a second parameter that limits the size of the exponents to some constant, which shrinks the circuit input size significantly while most smooth F(a,b) will still be detected.
Now you can solve the instance (assuming your SAT solver command is maplecomsps_lrb
$ maplecomsps_lrb < bench/1337.dimacs > bench/sol_1337/1.dimacs
Before you go and run more benchmarks, now is a good time to check if the found solution makes sense. The following script should tell you which parameters a,b were found and how to write F(a,b) as a product of small primes.
$ python3 bench/1337.dimacs bench/sol_1337/1.dimacs
Running more benchmarks can be done with the following script:
$ python3
You probably want to adjust many parameters in the
script before
you run it.
If you solve the same instance multiple times, you may be interested in seeing which smooth numbers were found.
$ python3 bench/1337.dimacs bench/sol_1337/