I am a Computer Scientist and C++ Software Developer interested in software development and architecture, testing and cloud related topics.
I have done scientific work (unfinished Phd) at RWTH university and Fraunhofer Institute of Laser Technologies doing computer vision and some machine learning (back in the old days, that was before the successful rise of ubiquitious deep learning technology -- support vector machines, anyone?)
After that I have worked on a company's internal backend product where I also learned tons about CI/CD, testing, doing reviews and all these modern concepts of a sane development process. After rather short intermediate stops at a business intelligence company and the banking sector I'm currently employed at Salt and Pepper as Software Architect.
I enjoyed earning certificates as ISTQB tester (foundation level and advanced level test automation engineer) and iSAQB software architect (foundation level). The latter really broadened my interest in software development techniques.
Cloud topics and distributed systems are things that keep me interested. As a consequence, I started learning Golang (twice), my latest attempt is the #100DaysOfCode challenge, following the concept of learning in public.
Recently soft aspects of SW development, i.e. the human factor, got my attention. I think the next language I want to have a peek at is Rust.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on a wishlist webapp [Golang]
- 🌱 I’m currently learning
all countries with capitals, flags and ccTLDsSwedish - 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on .. dunno, open for suggestions!
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with my Go based wishlist app
- 📫 How to reach me: twitter, email, linkedin
- ⚡ Fun fact: ... (let me think about that!)
- 🥞 Tech Stack
- links