a shell script to scan open port using nc
you can use -h
option to show usage.
./portscan -h
usage: ./portscan.sh [-s server] [-h] <-p port>
-s server
-p port,80 or 1000-2000(from 1000 to 2000) or 22,80(scan 22 and 80)
-h display this help and exit
./portscan.sh -s localhost -p 1-1024 # scan localhost, port from 1 to 1024
result as follow:
Server Port Protocol
localhost 22 [tcp/ssh]
localhost 53 [tcp/domain]
localhost 631 [tcp/ipp]
it is shown that port 22
is open, and all of their protocols is tcp.
./portscan.sh -s github.com -p 80 # fetch github:80
Server Port Protocol
github.com 80 [tcp/http]
it is shown that github.com:80
is open!
./portscan.sh -s localhost -p 22,53,631,3306
Server Port Protocol
localhost 22 [tcp/ssh]
localhost 53 [tcp/domain]
localhost 631 [tcp/ipp]
localhost 3306 [tcp/mysql]
Yes, welcome!