You'll need
- zsh
- git
- GNU stow
wget -O- | sh -
The repo will be cloned to ~/.dotfiles
From the repo directory you can see the feature module directories and can enable individual ones like so:
stow zsh lvim tmux
or enable everything:
stow */
To disable:
stow -D tmux
cd ~/.dotfiles
REF=$(git log -1 --format=%H); podman build . --tag dotfiles-testing:${REF} --tag dotfiles-testing:latest
podman run -it --rm --name dotfiles dotfiles zsh
REF=$(git log -1 --format=%H); docker build . --file Containerfile --tag dotfiles-testing:${REF} --tag dotfiles-testing:latest
I use this image as a development environment, it has additional tools that I
use that are not required for testing dotfiles deployment. It's built from
the above dotfiles-testing
REF=$(git log -1 --format=%H); podman build . --file Containerfile.devbox --tag dotfiles-dev:${REF} --tag dotfiles-dev:latest