I am a Software and Data Engneer in Japan.
🔭 I’m working as a Software Engineer for the development of web applications while also working as a Data Engineer.
📡 I also have experiences in Machine Learning fields.
🌱 Exploring Technical Content Writing.
⚡ In my free time, I work on personal projects.
Thumbnail | Product Name | Summary |
https://github.com/Pionier2027/recopi | An app which automatically manages contents in and out of a refrigerator and recommends a menu (with a demo video) [Improving] |
https://github.com/AISVisioner/cameraDetector | A kiosk which recognizes visitors and greets accordingly based on an image recognition technique [Improving] |
https://github.com/Together-with-the-moon/AutonomousCar | An autonomous model car based on a computer vision technique (With Demo Video) | |
https://github.com/YSP-SINERGY/xserver-sinergy2021-event-website | An LP with a voting function for an event presentation for students | |
https://github.com/Seiya-Umemoto/tradingBot | Comparative Study of Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods - Case Study of Korean Stock Market (Academic conference presentation) | |
On working | https://github.com/Pionier2027/SMGT | A free market service for use in schools [On working] |