The python notebook Sample Code contains a running example of setting up a working example of serving an MNIST model with keras, tensorflowserving, and flask on AWS ECS.
- Train keras model with MNIST.
- Convert model to TF format
- Build docker image and push it to AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry)
- Register a new task definition (task_definition.json)
- Create a new service on ECS (Elastic Container Service) running.
- Deregister old task definitions
- Rebuild image, update service with new task definition and redeploy code. (Optional)
- Using a mix of boto3 and AWS CLI. Not really ideal but did not have time to rewrite to boto3.
- Install python requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install Jupyter Notebook
- Installed Docker (
- Installed & configured AWS CLI (
- AWS Elastic Load Balancer setup as an Application Load Balancer with a listener on 443 (and an SSL certificate)
- AWS Elastic Container Service cluster setup and configured