These is a code Quiz project which includes the basic information required to complete the weekely challange. And below is the list of items I used upon the completion of the password generator.
Here is a link to deploy my application:
To run these project on the development enviroment:
- open " Git bash"
- "pwd" (print working directory simply tells you in which directory you are)
- use "code ." to open it in your text editor, in these case VS code.
- Go to your
- creat a new repository, where you can push your work remotly
- clone it with your local computer
- set your branch to main
- use " git add . " to add your work
- use " git commit -m "" " to commit chages you have made and finnally
- use "git push origin main" to push it to your remote repository
- Now my project is locally saved in my computer and remotely saved on my GitHub.
Screen shot
My web page is based and inspired by;
- The course module
- Some youtube videos
- Our friend Google.
On the top of the HTML and CSS, these passwprd generator uses the Javascript :
- varables
- data Structure such as arrays and objects
- DOM ( DOcument Object Model)
- loop (for loop and forEach loop)
- Functions
- Event listner
- varable comparison
These project is still in developing mood, as it will be updated to a more upgraded code quiz APP .
- Created by Senait T Gerezgiher
- Email: - Feel free to reach me and I am ready to assist.