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Project: Thor C Library

eXpl0it3r edited this page Oct 18, 2012 · 1 revision

Thor C++ Library

Thor Logo

Thor is a cross-platform, open-source library which provides several extensions to SFML. It includes many features on top of the basic multimedia functionality supplied with SFML. The Thor C++ Library is intended to relieve SFML users from implementing often-used functionality related to graphics and game programming again and again.


The Thor C++ library comes with the following modules:


  • 2D Vector algebra functions: Dot product, compute length and angles, ...
  • 3D Vector algebra functions: Dot and cross product, compute length and angles, ...
  • PolarVector: 2D vector class that stores polar coordinates


  • Zone class hierarchy for geometric figures
  • Base classes for positionable, rotatable and scalable objects


  • ParticleSystem class based on sf::Image, stores and manages particles (lifetime, transformations, color, ...)
  • Customizable Emitter and Affector classes


  • SfmlEventSystem class to handle SFML events via callbacks
  • EventSystem template for user-defined events


  • ResourceManager class template that allows safe and easy loading, storage and access to resources
  • ResourcePtr provides shared access to resources
  • Predefined helper classes for SFML resources like sf::Image


  • ConcaveShape class: As an extension to sf::Shape, it works with concave shapes
  • Arrow class to visualize vectors
  • Color blending and simple construction of color gradients
  • String conversion functions for a few SFML classes like sf::Vector


  • StopWatch class: Wrapper around sf::Clock for pausable clocks
  • Timer class: Countdown mechanism
  • TriggeringTimer class: Countdown invoking callbacks at expiration


  • SingleDispatcher: Dynamic dispatch to unary functions
  • DoubleDispatcher: Dynamic dispatch to binary functions (multimethods)
  • Other utility like foreach macros


  • ScopedPtr: Local RAII smart pointer
  • MovedPtr: Movable smart pointer implementation
  • CopiedPtr: Smart pointer with deep copy semantics


  • Generalization of trigonometry functions
  • Random number generator based on TR1
  • Delaunay triangulation


Thor is completely free to use for open-source and closed-source projects. Like SFML, it is licensed under the very permissive zlib/libpng license.


The project homepage of Thor is located at There you come across an API documentation, some tutorials and several download packages. The current version of the SDK is 1.0. The library can be built using CMake, for a few configurations there are also precompiled binaries available.

If you like to experience the latest features and modifications, you can also get the code via SVN at

To install Thor, you need a TR1 conforming standard library implementation and SFML 2. A compatible Git revision of SFML is provided on the homepage.


Full-fledged example codes are included in the official SDK, but here are a few code snippets that give you a quick impression of the functionality Thor provides.


sf::Vector2f a(4.2f, 5.6f);
sf::Vector2f b(7.8f, 1.3f);
float d = thor::DotProduct(a, b);
float w = thor::Angle(a, b);
sf::Vector2f u = thor::UnitVector(a);


// Color gradient from red to blue to green
thor::ColorGradient gradient = thor::CreateGradient(sf::Color::Red)(1)(sf::Color::Blue)(2)(sf::Color::Green);

// Load image, create particle system, add emitters and affectors
sf::Image image = ...;
thor::ParticleSystem system(image);
system.AddEmitter( thor::DirectionalEmitter::Create(50.f, 3.f) ); // 50 per second, each lives 3s
system.AddAffector( thor::ColorAffector::Create(gradient) );
system.AddAffector( thor::FadeOutAffector::Create() );

// Inside main loop


// Create pausable clock
thor::StopWatch stopwatch;
float time = stopwatch.GetElapsedTime();


// Create image manager and load two images
thor::ResourceManager<sf::Image> imageMgr;
thor::ResourcePtr<sf::Image> p = imageMgr.Acquire( thor::Resources::ImageKey::FromFile("image.jpg") );
thor::ResourcePtr<sf::Image> q = imageMgr.Acquire( thor::Resources::ImageKey::FromSize(300, 200) );

// Use shared smart pointers p and q to refer to the image instances
sf::Sprite sprite1(*p);
sf::Sprite sprite2(*q);
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