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Source: High Performance Sprite Container

maskedkiller01 edited this page Jan 18, 2013 · 11 revisions

This page as its name describes is a high performance container of sprites, if you have a low end computer you may have found that a vector of sprites with too many sprites in it can have a slow performance due to the high amount of draw calls.

The only way to avoid the just described problem is to use an sf::VertexArray or a std::vector of sf::Vertex which is almost the same thing, the problem with this is that it becomes somewhat complicated to program and eventually you are going to need a wrapper that works things out and makes your code cleaner.

That's the purpose of this container, while each transformation is a little slower than a transformation powered by sf:.Transform it's still faster than a std::vector of sf::Sprites by cutting the amount of time spent drawing in half, and at worst (if you have a bad and old GPU like my intel crap) it will have the same performance not because the container is slow, but because the display function will screw your framerate at a high number of things being displayed.

This container is useful not only for increasing your performances (even if just slightly in some cases), but also as a shortcut, it has shortcut functions such as all "global" transformations that affect the entire container with the values given to the function. Something also worth mentioning is the function "rotateAroundSelf" which is a shortcut that allows your "sprites" to rotate around their center.

As a side-note: This code uses my polar vector class to power rotations, I will include the code of it here, but you can perfectly use Thor's polar vectors or even your own, it's not that hard to modify.

I'll be adding a proper documentation and some new features to the class soon. Mainly the adding of a few functions I think are missing and taking out some others that have no place, maybe some more optimizations.

This code is under public domain so feel free to use it however you like.

Without further ado I present the code:


///Polar Vector class
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>

///The class uses radians as angles, where r is the radius and t is the angle.

class PolarVector
        float r;
        float t;

        PolarVector(float radius, float angle);

        sf::Vector2f TurnToRectangular() const;
        static const float EPSILON;

        friend bool operator ==(const PolarVector& left, const PolarVector& right);

PolarVector TurnToPolar(const sf::Vector2f& point);

bool operator ==(const PolarVector& left, const PolarVector& right);

bool operator !=(const PolarVector& left, const PolarVector& right);



#include "PolarVector.hpp"
#include <cmath>

const float PolarVector::EPSILON = 0.0001;

  :r(0.0), t(0.0)

PolarVector::PolarVector(float radius, float angle)
  :r(radius), t(angle)

sf::Vector2f PolarVector::TurnToRectangular() const
  sf::Vector2f Rect;
  Rect.x = static_cast<float>(r*std::cos(t)); Rect.y = static_cast<float>(r*std::sin(t));
  return Rect;

bool operator ==(const PolarVector& left, const PolarVector& right)
  float diffR = left.r - right.r;
  float diffA = left.t - right.t;
  return ((diffR <= PolarVector::EPSILON) && (diffA <= PolarVector::EPSILON));

bool operator !=(const PolarVector& left, const PolarVector& right)
{ return !(left == right); }

PolarVector TurnToPolar(const sf::Vector2f& point)
    PolarVector PV;
    PV.r = sqrt((point.x * point.x) + (point.y * point.y));
    PV.t = std::atan2(point.y, point.x);
    return PV;

///Sprite Container class


#include <vector>

#include <SFML/Graphics/Drawable.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderTarget.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Transform.hpp>

#include <SFML/Graphics/Vertex.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Texture.hpp>

const float APi = 3.141592654;
const float toRadians = APi/180;
const float toDegrees = 180/APi;

class AltSpriteHolder : public sf::Drawable
        AltSpriteHolder(const unsigned amount);
        AltSpriteHolder(sf::Texture& T, const unsigned amount);

        AltSpriteHolder(const AltSpriteHolder& other);
        AltSpriteHolder& operator=(const AltSpriteHolder& other);

        void setTexture(sf::Texture& T);

        void setTextureRect(const unsigned index, const sf::IntRect& IR);
        void setGlobalTextureRect(const sf::IntRect& IR);

        void move(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V);
        void move(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y);
        void globalMove(const sf::Vector2f& V);

        void setPosition(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V);
        void setPosition(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y);
        void setGlobalPosition(const sf::Vector2f& V);

        void setRotation(const unsigned index, const float ang);
        void setGlobalRotation(const float ang);

        void rotate(const unsigned index, const float ang);
        void globalRotate(const float ang);

        void rotateAroundSelf(const unsigned index, const float ang);
        void globalRotateAroundSelf(const float ang);

        void resetSelfRotation(const unsigned index);
        void resetGlobalSelfRotation();

        void scale(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V);
        void globalScale(const sf::Vector2f& V);

        void setScale(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y);
        void setScale(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V);
        void setGlobalScale(const sf::Vector2f& V);

        sf::Vector2f getPosition(const unsigned index) const;
        sf::Vector2f getScale(const unsigned index) const;
        float getRotation(const unsigned index) const;

        void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;


        unsigned Quantity;

        sf::Texture* Tex;

        std::vector<sf::Vertex> VertexHolder;

        std::vector<float> AngleHolder;
        std::vector<sf::Vector2f> PositionHolder;
        std::vector<sf::Vector2f> ScaleHolder;
        std::vector<sf::IntRect> TexRectHolder;

        bool hasTexture;

        void updateTexCoords(const unsigned index);
        void updateVertexCoords(const unsigned index, const bool Reset = true);

        void updateAngleRanges(const unsigned index);



/// .cpp

#include "AltSpriteHolder.hpp"
#include "PolarVector.hpp"
#include <cmath>

AltSpriteHolder::AltSpriteHolder(const unsigned amount)
  :VertexHolder(), PositionHolder(), Quantity(amount), ScaleHolder(), AngleHolder(), Tex(nullptr)

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
        for(unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
        { VertexHolder.push_back(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f), sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255))); }

        PositionHolder.push_back(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
        ScaleHolder.push_back(sf::Vector2f(1.f, 1.f));
        TexRectHolder.push_back(sf::IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0));

AltSpriteHolder::AltSpriteHolder(sf::Texture& T, const unsigned amount)
  :VertexHolder(), PositionHolder(), Quantity(amount), ScaleHolder(), AngleHolder(), Tex(&T)
    VertexHolder.reserve(amount * 4);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
        for(unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
        { VertexHolder.push_back(sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f), sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255))); }

        PositionHolder.push_back(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
        ScaleHolder.push_back(sf::Vector2f(1.f, 1.f));
        setTextureRect(i, sf::IntRect(0, 0, Tex->getSize().x, Tex->getSize().y));

AltSpriteHolder::~AltSpriteHolder() {}

AltSpriteHolder::AltSpriteHolder(const AltSpriteHolder& other)
    Quantity = other.Quantity;
    Tex = other.Tex;
    VertexHolder = other.VertexHolder;
    AngleHolder = other.AngleHolder;
    PositionHolder = other.PositionHolder;
    ScaleHolder = other.ScaleHolder;
    TexRectHolder = other.TexRectHolder;
    hasTexture = other. hasTexture;

AltSpriteHolder& AltSpriteHolder::operator=(const AltSpriteHolder& rhs)
    if (this == &rhs) return *this; // handle self assignment
    Quantity = rhs.Quantity;
    Tex = rhs.Tex;
    VertexHolder = rhs.VertexHolder;
    AngleHolder = rhs.AngleHolder;
    PositionHolder = rhs.PositionHolder;
    ScaleHolder = rhs.ScaleHolder;
    TexRectHolder = rhs.TexRectHolder;
    hasTexture = rhs. hasTexture;
    return *this;

void AltSpriteHolder::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
    states.texture = Tex;
    target.draw(&VertexHolder[0], static_cast<unsigned>(VertexHolder.size()), sf::Quads, states);

void AltSpriteHolder::setTexture(sf::Texture& T)
    Tex = &T;
    setGlobalTextureRect(sf::IntRect(0, 0, Tex->getSize().x, Tex->getSize().y) );

void AltSpriteHolder::setTextureRect(const unsigned index, const sf::IntRect& IR)
    TexRectHolder[index] = IR;
    updateVertexCoords(index, false);

void AltSpriteHolder::setGlobalTextureRect(const sf::IntRect& IR)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { setTextureRect(i, IR); }

void AltSpriteHolder::updateTexCoords(const unsigned index)
    float left = static_cast<float>(TexRectHolder[index].left);
    float right = left + TexRectHolder[index].width;
    float top = static_cast<float>(TexRectHolder[index].top);
    float bottom = top + TexRectHolder[index].height;

    unsigned I = index * 4;

    VertexHolder[I++].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(left, top);
    VertexHolder[I++].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(left, bottom);
    VertexHolder[I++].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(right, bottom);
    VertexHolder[I].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(right, top);

void AltSpriteHolder::updateVertexCoords(const unsigned index, const bool Reset)
    sf::Vector2u S;
    S.x = TexRectHolder[index].width * ScaleHolder[index].x;
    S.y = TexRectHolder[index].height * ScaleHolder[index].y;

    unsigned I = index * 4;

    VertexHolder[I++].position = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
    VertexHolder[I++].position = sf::Vector2f(0, S.y);
    VertexHolder[I++].position = sf::Vector2f(S.x, S.y);
    VertexHolder[I].position = sf::Vector2f(S.x, 0);

    PositionHolder[index].x = 0.f;
    PositionHolder[index].y = 0.f;
    { move(index, PositionHolder[index]); }

void AltSpriteHolder::move(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y)
    unsigned limit = (index * 4) + 4;
    for(unsigned I = index * 4; I < limit; ++I)
        VertexHolder[I].position.x += x;
        VertexHolder[I].position.y += y;
    PositionHolder[index].x += x;
    PositionHolder[index].y += y;

void AltSpriteHolder::move(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V)
{ move(index, V.x, V.y); }

void AltSpriteHolder::globalMove(const sf::Vector2f& V)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { move(i, V.x, V.y); }

void AltSpriteHolder::setPosition(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y)
    move(index, -(PositionHolder[index].x), -(PositionHolder[index].y));
    move(index, x, y);

void AltSpriteHolder::setPosition(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V)
{ setPosition(index, V.x, V.y); }

void AltSpriteHolder::setGlobalPosition(const sf::Vector2f& V)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { setPosition(i, V); }

void AltSpriteHolder::setRotation(const unsigned index, const float ang)
    float ang_t = ang;
    AngleHolder[index] = fmod(ang, 360.f);
    PolarVector P = TurnToPolar(PositionHolder[index]); P.t = ang_t;
    setPosition(index, P.TurnToRectangular() );

void AltSpriteHolder::setGlobalRotation(const float ang)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { setRotation(i, ang); }

void AltSpriteHolder::rotate(const unsigned index, const float ang)
{ setRotation(index, AngleHolder[index] + ang); }

void AltSpriteHolder::globalRotate(const float ang)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { rotate(i, ang); }

void AltSpriteHolder::rotateAroundSelf(const unsigned index, const float ang)
    float ang_t = ang * toRadians;
    sf::Vector2f Tmp = PositionHolder[index];
    sf::Vector2f Off(-(TexRectHolder[index].width/2.f), -(TexRectHolder[index].height/2.f));

    setPosition(index, Off);
    unsigned limit = (index * 4) + 4;
    for(unsigned i = index * 4; i < limit; ++i)
        PolarVector P(TurnToPolar(VertexHolder[i].position));
        P.t += ang_t;
        VertexHolder[i].position = P.TurnToRectangular();
    move(index, Tmp - Off);

void AltSpriteHolder::globalRotateAroundSelf(const float ang)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { rotateAroundSelf(i, ang); }

void AltSpriteHolder::resetSelfRotation(const unsigned index)
{ updateVertexCoords(index, false); }

void AltSpriteHolder::resetGlobalSelfRotation()
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { updateVertexCoords(i, false); }

void AltSpriteHolder::setScale(const unsigned index, const float x, const float y)
    ScaleHolder[index].x = x;
    ScaleHolder[index].y = y;
    for(unsigned i = index * 4; i < (index * 4) + 4; ++i)
        VertexHolder[i].position.x *= x;
        VertexHolder[i].position.y *= y;

void AltSpriteHolder::setScale(const unsigned index, const sf::Vector2f& V)
{ setScale(index, V.x, V.y); }

void AltSpriteHolder::setGlobalScale(const sf::Vector2f& V)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < Quantity; ++i)
    { setScale(i, V); }

sf::Vector2f AltSpriteHolder::getPosition(const unsigned index) const
{ return PositionHolder[index]; }

sf::Vector2f AltSpriteHolder::getScale(const unsigned index) const
{ return ScaleHolder[index]; }

float AltSpriteHolder::getRotation(const unsigned index) const
{ return AngleHolder[index]; }

Sample Program

#include "AltSpriteHolder.hpp"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> ///Just in case.

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1280, 800, 32), "Bullet Testing", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
    unsigned MaxNum = 100;
    AltSpriteHolder ASH(MaxNum);
    sf::Event event;
    sf::Texture T;
    if(!T.loadFromFile("C:/Users/Carlos/Desktop/Sprites/White Mana.png")) ///Change the path as needed.
        return -1;
    sf::Sprite M(T);

    std::vector<PolarVector> PolVec;

    float Radius = 400;

    float Calc = (2*Pi)/MaxNum;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < MaxNum; ++i)
        PolVec.push_back(PolarVector(Radius, i*Calc));
        ASH.setPosition(i, PolVec[i].TurnToRectangular());

    ASH.globalMove(sf::Vector2f(400.f, 400.f));
    while (window.isOpen())



        while (window.pollEvent(event))
        { if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) window.close(); }

    return 0;


If you have any doubts or bugs to report PM me in the SFML forums (masskiller).

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