Light tree for hierarchical NEE and direct intersections
PMJ sampling
Ray type visibility masks (diffuse, glossy etc.)
Gauss and Blackman-Harris image filters
Multithreaded interface for scene Finalize
Texture compression for CPU backends
Direct loading of BC-compressed images
TSAN tests on CI
Path-space regularization
Option to flip normalmap Y channel (DirectX convention)
Ability to create single-sided mesh lights
Physical sky sample
Build version string
Indirect clamp not affecting unshadowed lights
Clamping not preserving color hue
Glossy material desaturation an glazing angles
Flipped front/back materials on GPU
Not implemented RemoveMeshInstance, RemoveLight, RemoveMesh
Incorrect scaled mesh lights intensity
Incorrect mix node resolution in SIMD mode
Incorrect NEE for textured triangle lights
Incorrect MIS at the last bounce
Incorrect far clip plane
Incorrect transmission below 1.0
Incorrect pitch black values with filmic tonemap
Incorrect clamping of direct light intersections
Triangular artifacts on AMD
Crash on out of memory fallback to CPU RAM
Fireflies with some HDRI images
Flipped tangent basis on flipped UV islands
Crash on hitting transparency limit (CPU only)
Broken DOF RNG (GPU only)
Incorrect alpha of 0.8 in samples
Meshlights triangles memory leak
Adreno issues with new driver
Non-reproduceable GPU test runs
Improved physical sky (multiple scattering, clouds, moon, stars)
Improved area light sampling
Improved adaptive sampling
BC4/BC5 compression uses SSE acceleration
Texture compression uses NEON acceleration
AUX buffers output is enabled permanently
Bundled GPU shaders compressed using deflate
More flexible interface for specifying vertex attributes
Sphere light is allowed to have zero radius
Bounded sampling is used for VNDF
Mix node texture is allowed to be SRGB
HWRT BLAS build happens per mesh instead of all at once
15-seconds time limit is used for README images
Tent image filter
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