Professional League of Legends player and streamer Duoking1 mentioned that he wished he could view stats about his teammates and his enemies. He felt as though his teammates consistently picked worse champions than the enemy team and that some players he got on his team performed significantly worse on his team than when they were on the enemy team.
I used the Riot Games API pull in games from all of his accounts in the current ranked season, and then used Pandas and Tableau to transform the data to aggregated statistics to produce a few dashboards so he'd have the tools to look into these trends himself.
I've embedded the dashboards for visual purposes but to interact with the data please click on the included links.
<script type='text/javascript'> var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1684880099111'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) {'1366px';'795px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) {'1366px';'795px';} else {'100%';'727px';} var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); </script>This dashboard allows the user to filter the role and champion that Duoking was playing in each of the games to isolate variables (so for example, we can isolate the number of Nautilus games to the games where Duoking couldn't be responsible for locking in the champion because he was in a different role).
<script type='text/javascript'> var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1684880077775'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) {'550px';'1027px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) {'550px';'1027px';} else {'100%';'727px';} var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); </script>