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@serilog-build serilog-build released this 19 Jun 23:01

What's new in 3.0.0?

Target framework changes - Serilog no longer targets netstandard1.x or .NET Framework versions earlier than .NET 4.6.2. Users on affected frameworks should continue to target Serilog 2.12.x.

Removed obsolete APIs - Many deprecated/obsolete types and functions have been removed. Notably, JsonFormatter can no longer be subclassed (either port to JsonValueFormatter, use Serilog.Expressions, or copy the original JsonFormatter code into your project).

Added APIs - LevelAlias.Off is now provided as an equivalent to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging's LogLevel.Off; Destructure.AsDictionary<T>() can now be used to mark dictionary types.

Fewer allocations on many hot paths - A lot of work has gone into avoiding heap allocations wherever possible.
