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Docker images for Stable Diffusion WebUI (AUTOMATIC1111) for AMD Radeon RX5500XT and similar boards


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Stable Diffusion WebUI docker images for RX5500XT and similar boards

This project creates docker images (wiki) to run the AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion (wiki) web interface on Linux systems equiped with AMD Radeon RX5500XT and similar boards (i.e. RX5600XT, RX5700XT).

The main features of these docker images are:

  • Ready to be used with RX5500XT (all needed options and compatible tools).
  • Small size, when compared to other options (2 GB compressed image, 10.2 GB uncompressed, for the soft).
  • No need to mess your base OS (no need to install stuff on your base system).
  • Already created, one download and all the software is installed.

Some remarks to avoid confusion:

  • For Linux systems, not for Windows
  • For AMD GPUs, not for NVidia.
  • All software included, not the data files, they will be downloaded by the software. You'll need not less than 5 GiB of extra disk space. Control Net needs another 21 GB.
  • Default config is for boards with 8 GB of memory. Can run on 4 GB.
  • This is an image generator using AI networks, not a text generator.
  • Check how old is this file, things change very fast in this field, if the file is old be careful, may contain inaccurate content.

Pre requisites

  • A machine with an AMD Radeon GPU board, ideally RX5500XT. This board was released in 2019, forget about using anything older than RX470 (2016).
  • At least 4 GB of VRAM (Video RAM)
  • I'm not sure about how much system memory, I used 16 GB RAM and you'll need some swap.
  • A modern Linux kernel with the amdgpu driver. I used a 5.10.178 kernel from Debian 11. You can install an updated amdgpu driver, I tried with, but couldn't find any difference. To check if the driver is working run ls -la /dev/kfd you should see a device owned by root for the render group
  • Docker engine, otherwise install it.
  • Your Linux user must be in the video and render groups. Run the groups command to verify it.

Quick instructions

  1. Clone this repo, or just download the script. ( for a 4 GB board).
  2. Pull the docker image:
$ docker pull setsoft/sd_webui:latest
  1. Create a directory called dockerx in your user home dir, i.e. mkdir -p $HOME/dockerx. You can change the name editing the start script, not recommended.
  2. If you have 4 GB of GPU memory you must use, otherwise use If you have more than 8 GB you may want to remove --medvram option, but I recommend to first try keeping it.
  3. Run the or script.
  4. Wait until it says you can connect to port. During the first run it will download 4 GB of data for the neural network weights, be patient. Just loading the data to the VRAM is slow, on my system it can take upto 80 seconds to load, usually around 46 s.
  5. Open the indicated URL in your browser, you'll get the UI
  6. Enter something in the positive prompt text box and press the generate button. The first run after starting the server will take longer, around 3 or 4 minutes in my system. Then the time will go down, 14 s aprox. for my system. Also note that the first generation will need more memory, so don't start changing the image size, keep it low for the first generated image.
  7. Have fun!

All the data will be stored in the ~/dockerx/ folder. Take a look at ~/dockerx/webui_data/ for the web interface data. The ~/dockerx/webui_data/ is the cache for the system running inside the container. Generated stuff will be stored in ~/dockerx/webui_data/outputs. The downloaded AI data can be found in ~/dockerx/webui_data/models.

If you want to use Control Net, it makes things better, you'll need to download the models for it in: ~/dockerx/webui_data/models/ControlNet. Please visit the site to learn more. Also visit the main site to know how to use it.

Technical details

Software stack

Linux kernel and device driver

At the bottom of the stack is the Linux kernel. I tested this image using 5.10.178. The kernel must provide the DRM (Direct Render Manager) interface for AMD GPUs. This is the amdgpu kernel module.

This module is part of the mainstream Linux kernel, no need to add anything. If your kernel doesn't have it, or the vesion included in the kernel isn't good enough you may need to install a newer version. Lamentably the version of the amdgpu driver isn't displayed by the module included in mainstream Linux, not at least for my kernel. If you install a separated version it will display it. For a 5.10.x kernel with amdgpu you'll see the following in the kernel logs: (sudo dmesg | grep version)

[drm] amdgpu version:
[drm] OS DRM version: 5.10.0

The amdgpu development is done by AMD and evolves much faster than what is incorporated by the Linux kernel. So you'll find newer features implemented. It doesn't mean this is best for you because some times these features makes the module incompatible. As an example: installing version 6.0.5 on Debian 11.7 produces tons of logs about fails to call the page flip API.

If you need to compile a new amdgpu module look for the amdgpu-install tool. AMD provides a repo for the officially supported Linux distros. I tried using the Ubuntu Focal Debian packages, version 5.3.3.

An important note: in order to compile the module you'll need to use DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support). So the correct way to run the installer is:

amdgpu-install --usecase=dkms

Do not follow the misleading instructions that says --usecase=rocm. This will install several GBs of code into your host machine, that will be repeated in the docker image.

I experimented very bizarre issues trying to compile the module in my system. The long version name used by AMD in combination with the way my installed DKMS created the makefiles generated some calls passing a single argument bigger than 128 kB, a stupid Linux kernel limit, and made the compilation fail. So instead of compiling it in /var/lib/dkms/amdgpu/ I forced DKMS to use /v/amdgpu/ This solved the problem. If you hit the same problem do the following:

  1. Create a symlink like this ln -s /var/lib/dkms/ /v (as root of course)
  2. Edit /etc/dkms/framework.conf and set dkms_tree="/v"
  3. Compile again (i.e. dpkg-reconfigure --force amdgpu-dkms)

Note that the DRM interface will be seen in your system as a DRI (Direct Render Infrastructure) device driver. As an example in a Debian system you'll see something like this:

$ ls -la /dev/dri
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root        100 abr 30 19:53 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 root root       3960 abr 30 19:54 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root         80 abr 30 19:53 by-path
crw-rw----+  1 root video  226,   0 may  6 09:48 card0
crw-rw----+  1 root render 226, 128 abr 30 19:53 renderD128

As you can see the user needs to be in the video and render groups in order to be able to access all the devices. Run groups to check it.

Also note that DRM is not enough for this use, your amdgpu driver must also export the AMD Kernel Fusion Driver (KFD) interface. Here is an example of how to check it:

$ ls -la /dev/kfd
crw-rw---- 1 root render 246, 0 abr 30 19:53 /dev/kfd

If this device isn't there your board doesn't support KFD and won't work.

Also note that you don't need any proprietary kernel module, even if you install a separated amdgpu module it will be compiled from sources. The only proprietary component you should install is the firmware for your GPU card. This is already installed if you have a working graphic interface in your Linux. Without it you don't even get an accelerated desktop. Note that most Linux distros will install it without any effort, Debian is an exception. As source code for these firmwares isn't available (don't ask me why because the code is very hardware dependant and a lot of technical info about the GPU is already disclosed) Debian puts it in a separated category. You must install the firmware-amd-graphics package from the non-free repository. The RX5500XT board is internally named Navi14 so the kernel messages generated when loading the firmware will look like this:

amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_sos.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_asd.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_ta.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_smc.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_pfp.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_me.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_ce.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_rlc.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_mec.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_mec2.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_sdma.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_sdma1.bin
amdgpu 0000:0a:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware amdgpu/navi14_vcn.bin


ROCm is the infrastructure created by AMD to use their GPUs for computation. This includes the Machine Learning (ML), which is what we want to do here.

This component is huge for many reasons, among them:

  • Cover a big number of uses, not just ML
  • Supports various GPU generations, with a weak separation between the low level components
  • Is high level code written in C++. IMHO a wrong choice, I can't imagine a Linux kernel in C++, it won't work for embedded systems. I agree that some layer of C++ is desirable, but the core functionality should be plain C, with an optional C++ abstraction layer. People usually think C++ is close to C, but in practice it isn't, when you start using the STL things start to drift away from C. The code generated is repeated again and again and you can get huge binaries.

If you are just using ROCm for Stable Diffusion installing the whole thing is an overkill. For this reason this docker image isn't based on the ROCm images. Just to put you in perspective: ROCm images with PyTorch are in the range of 10 GB compressed, around 30 GB uncompressed. This image is around 2 GB, 10 GB uncompressed, and includes the final application.

You don't need to install ROCm in your host, unless you use ROCm for other tasks. Also note that installing ROCm in your host won't help to the docker images, they'll have another copy, or even more than one, of ROCm. If you really need ROCm consider installing the other layers in your host and forget about docker images.

You won't find ROCm as a separated component on this docker image, is integrated with the next layer.


PyTorch is the machine learning framework we need to install. Is a Python API originally created by META (Facebook), currently free software. Note that this works on top of Torch, a free software component created by a university.

This is the most widely used ML lib and Stable Diffusion uses it. It offers three flavors:

  • CPU
  • CUDA
  • ROCm (HIP Heterogeneous(-compute) Interface for Portability)

Here we need ROCm flavor. Lamentably I couldn't find a better way than installing it using pip (the Python package manager). This has really nasty consequences. As I already mentioned ROCm is in this layer. The Python way to solve dependencies makes this a "normal" solution. So when you install PyTorch for ROCm you are installing PyTorch compiled with ROCm support and ROCm, all together. This is why the compressed size of the PyTorch wheel (the name of the Python packages) is around 1.5 GB.

Note that I couldn't get PyTorch 2.0.0, 2.0.1 or 2.1.0 (WIP) versions to work with RX5500XT. So this image will install PyTorch 1.13.1 (the last available for the 1.x series). The ROCm version used by the installed package is 5.2.

Other Pyhon libs

There are a big ammount of dependencies installed in the docker image. In order to satisfy the really fresh dependencies they are installed using pip (very inefficient). Among the heavy weight tools are llvmlite, scipy, OpenCV, gradio, pandas, transformers and numpy. But all of them are eclipsed by the PyTorch package, which includes ROCm, this is around 75% of the image size.

The OpenCV lib needs some special attention. It has a very bad separation between GUI vs non-GUI and mainstream vs contrib separation. The problem is aggrieved by the way pip works. So you have four possible packages, and you may end with all of them installed, meaning the core OpenCV is four times installed, and the GUI libs twice, not to mention that the contrib stuff is also twice times installed. In our particular case we get two copies installed, and none of them is the best for a docker image. For this reason the Dockerfile lets pip to wrongly install them and then removes both to install the one we need (opencv-contrib-python-headless).

This part of the stack can be farther optimized.

Stable Diffusion WebUI by AUTOMATIC1111

This is the application we want to run. Is implemented as a web server using the gradio module, specifically designed to create ML applications.

The application implements a lot of interesting tools, mostly using existing projects, and is extensible. Among the built-in features are:

  • Text to image, used to generate images from a description. Supports negative prompts, various sampling methodes, batch generation, etc. This is implemented using Stable Diffusion.
  • Image to image, used to create an image from another image. Some features:
    • Interrogate using CLIP and DeepDanbooru: generates a prompt from an image
    • Inpaint: allows to generate a portion of the image to solve issues or just change some detail
  • Face restoration
  • Upscalers, using mathematic algorithms and also AI
  • Training models and merging models

You'll find a more complete list in its site.

The server will run in the docker container and you just need to connect to the server using a browser. The default is to export the interface to the local machine: accepting connections only from the local host, but can be exported to other machines.


This is an state of the art AI powered image generator. The webui is like an AI laboratory because it's extensible and gradio was designed for this. The AUTOMATIC1111 implementation is very complete and easy to use. Neural networks are automatically downloaded, you must pay attention to the console where the server was started to see the progress.

The installation is simple, but can be tricky for AMD boards. Using a docker image allows to solve various common problems.

The amount of misleading instructions and bloated installs is notable. AMD seems to be focused on the servers applications of ROCm, so they don't spend eough resources to help regular users.

Optimizations and options

If you take a look at the original Stable Diffusion v1 you'll see it says: runs on a GPU with at least 10GB VRAM, and in the fast mode this code doesn't even work on an RX5500XT with 8 GB. So memory requirements are very important. You can currently run it on 4 GB, and even some report success with 2 GB (not for RX5500XT). A number of options has important impact on the memory usage and performance. Here are some thing you may need to know.

The optimizations are documented here. I focuse on what is good for RX5500XT, and maybe other similar boards.

Floating point format

The traditional float data type in C is a 32 bits floating point number (F32). For ML you can do computations with much less resolution. So you'll find a lot of libraries using half precision numbers, this is a 16 bits floating point (F16).

The RX5500XT board, and other AMD GPUs, can't do F16 computations. So you must force the use of F32. This has an important impact in the memory usage.

The options: --precision full and --no-half are used to force F32 data computations.

Saving VRAM swapping data to the RAM

Using full precision means you'll need a lot of VRAM, even to generate one 512x512 image. So one of the important strategies is to keep in VRAM only the needed stuff. You can parition the problem in stages and upload one at a time.

The --medvram and --lowvram options are the most important here. The first is what I recommend for an 8 GB board using full precision. This has a small impact on the computation time and big impact in the memory usage. The second option is a very aggressive strategy with very big impact on the computation time, only recommendable for 4 GB boards.

Another option is in the settings of the webui, you can ask to avoid keeping the face restoration net in RAM when the process is done. Face restoration is very important, you don't need to enable it all the time, you can generate the images and then go to the extras and apply it to the images you selected. But having it enabled is nice and it usually takes just a little bit more time, the results are remarkable.

When using --medvram or --lowvram one of the implicit optimizations is to put in VRAM only the positive or the negative prompt, one at a time, never both together. This saves VRAM, but also means moving a lot of data to and from VRAM. If you want to recover some performance, at the cost of VRAM, you can try using --always-batch-cond-uncond. Using this both prompts are stored in VRAM during the whole process. So this option makes --medvram and --lowvram less effective in terms of VRAM, but also reduces the impact in performance. Note that this option is useless when you don't use --medvram or --lowvram.

Sub-quadratic attention

This methode notably reduces the use of VRAM without slowing the computations. Use --opt-sub-quad-attention

Host system RAM

The tools has some serious memory issues. If you run it for some hours you'll see how free memory slowly falls until you have nothing available and the server is killed by the kernel. To avoid this problem you must use an improved memory allocation library. The libtcmalloc library implements such an allocator. Using it the memory leaks are kept low.

This library is installed in the docker image (libtcmalloc-minimal4) and is forced using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable (LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Unofficial ROCm support

The RX5500XT (aka Navi14) boards aren't officially supported by AMD. They are codenamed gfx1012, but if you tell ROCm the board is a gfx1030 things work anyways. The 1030, 1012, etc. is the version, so you need to define the HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 environment variable, which basically pretends your board is version 10.3.0 and not 10.1.2.

Options that doesn't seem to help

I see many people suggesting SAFETENSORS_FAST_GPU=1, but this is a CUDA (NVidia) option to copy data directly to VRAM, skipping a RAM stage. Not part of ROCm.

People also encourage using PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF, but again this is CUDA specific. Is well documented in PyTorch as a mechanism to fine-tune the CUDA allocation strategy. But isn't mentioned in the HIP (ROCm) semantics. I think the confusion comes from the error printed by PyTorch when you run out of VRAM, it mentions PYTORCH_HIP_ALLOC_CONF. Note the difference, HIP, not CUDA. But I suspect this is some misleading print.

I tried the above mentioned variables and didn't notice any change, which is understandable. The option is included anyways.

Other people suggests using --disable-nan-check. I couldn't see any measurable difference using it for RX5500XT, and it sounds like a bad idea, a NaN is indication of error, can be related to memory corruption.


The RX5500XT doesn't seem to be a board to overclock.

By default it runs at 1890 MHz, the PLL can do 2200 MHz. In my board 2050 MHz is usable, but 2100 MHz generates a memory access fault. Even at the highest Vdd.

The VRAM clock is 875 MHz and can be boosted to 930 MHz. I was able to set it to 930 MHz, but you see an annoying video flicker, specially when moving the mouse.

With all of this I got a computation boost in SD of about 5 %. So I don't recommend to do it, the flicker is annoying, and the advantage marginal. If you are really interested consult the kernel docs and articles like this.