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Ruby Control Flow and Methods

Why is this important?

This workshop is important because:

In order to write Ruby code, you're going to need some practice writing Ruby methods. Once you can divide your Ruby code into methods, you'll have cleaner, more readable code. Learning to design Ruby methods and predict their output is necessary to develop more complex projects (like web sites!).

What are the objectives?

After this workshop, developers will be able to:

  • Write conditionals, loops, and methods in Ruby
  • Apply methods in Ruby to solve problems
  • Explain the two main differences between Ruby methods and JavaScript functions: isolated local scope and implicit return.

Quick review

  1. Make a table with 2 columns. Label one column Ruby and the other column JavaScript. Add at least 3 pieces of JavaScript syntax and the analogous Ruby syntax we've learned.
Ruby JavaScript
p, puts, print console.log()
  1. Identify the operators in Javascript and Ruby, and find differences.

JavaScript operators

  • =, +=, *=, ...

  • ==, ===, >, >=, ...

  • !, ||, &&

  • +, -, /, *

Ruby operators

  • =, +=, *=, ...

  • ==, .equal?, >, >=, ...

  • !, not, ||, &&

  • ** , +, -, /, *

Control flow

Create a demo with one conditional and one loop/iterator:

  • Conditionals
    • if, elsif, else, unless, case when else ...
  • Loops/iterators
    • until, while, .times ...
    • .each, for ... in ...


  • block - chunks of code between braces or between do...end:

    • used with .each, .map, and many other methods that let us specify some code to run
[1, 2, 3].each do |n|
  puts "Number #{n}"

^ is the same as
[1, 2, 3].each {|n| puts "Number #{n}"}

Further Reading on Blocks

You can think of blocks a little bit like callbacks from JavaScript.

Ruby Methods

The basics

  • Use def, method name, and end when defining a method.
  • Methods implicitly return whatever they last evaluated.
  • Ruby local variables are completely isolated to the exact method they're inside of.

Defining a method

# announce you are creating a method with 'def'
def say_hello
  # all logic and action within belongs to the method
  puts "Hello"
# end your method definition with 'end'

# call the method 'say_hello'

Defining a method with a parameter

def say(something)
  puts something


say 'hello'

Ruby allows us to specify parameters omitting parentheses:

# calling method, not using parentheses
results = method_name parameter1

If you want to chain another method off the result of your method call, you do need parentheses as you can see below:

# You need to use parentheses if you want to work with the result immediately.
# e.g., if a method returns an array and we want to reverse element order:
results = method_name(parameter1).reverse

Parameters can have default values

def say(something = "Hello")
  puts something

say # prints "Hello"
say "Goodbye" # prints "Goodbye"

Recursion: methods can call themselves

def recurse(depth)
  if depth > 0
    puts "Spiraling down..."
    recurse(depth - 1)
    puts "Spiraling up..."
    puts "Bottom of the rabbit hole"

recurse 5

Define a method that operates on two parameters

def add_numbers(first, second)
  puts first + second

add_numbers 1, 2

Define a method that uses a block

def process_number(n=3)
  p 'processing your number'
  p 'all done!'

process_number 5 do |i|
  p (0..i).to_a

process_number do |k|
  p k * 2 

Returning in Ruby

Prompt: What is the difference between printing and returning?

Printing and returning are different

The following method returns a value, but doesn't print anything.

def add_numbers_quietly(first, second)
  first + second

add_numbers_quietly 1, 2

Methods in Ruby always return the value of the last evaluated expression

def implicitly_return_5
  if true


Method scope: the biggest difference from javascript

Prompt: Write some Ruby that demonstrates the scoping of variables.

Functions have locally scoped variables

The following code wont work. Why?

foo = 1

def do_stuff
  foo += 1
  bar = 1
  puts foo
  puts bar


puts foo
puts bar

The problem is the ruby is locally scoped. Meaning that a function only has access to its variables and the variables it defined inside of itself.

foo = 1

def do_stuff
  foo = 1
  foo += 1
  bar = 1
  puts foo
  puts bar


puts foo
puts bar

def do_stuff2(x)
  foo = x
  foo += 1
  bar = 1
  puts foo
  puts bar

puts do_stuff2(foo)

Ruby Method Calls In Depth

You can use the defined? method to check the scope of a variable.

x = 4
=> 4
defined? x
=> "local-variable"

defined? y
=> nil


Please complete these exercises.

Further Reading


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