Group: Joao Pedro de Carvalho (McGill ID 260642102), Peyman Kafaei (McGill ID 260780776), Stefano Giacomazzi Dantas(McGill ID 260642029)
Study the learning behaviour of
Learning Heuristics for the TSP by Policy Gradient in terms of episodes and hyperparameter values.
Investigate the effects of removing the baseline policy from the objective function, and assess the impact on learning.
The code was adapted from
The parameters are located at the beginning of the code for the .py files or in the Config block for .ipynb
The main parameters are:
- '--batch_size' : the batch size for training
- '--max_length' : number of cities for training
- It is possible to change the NN parameters (number of attention heads, number of neurons, etc). However, the performance may vary compared to the results reported
'--nb_steps' : number of epochs for training
'--lr_start': actor learning rate
'--lr_decay_rate' : learning rate decay rate
'--temperature' : temperature for the policy distribution
'--C' : clipping parameter
To train a model just run blocks 1.DataGenerator, 2.Config, 3.Model and 4.Train with the Jupyter Notebook (for files .ipynb). If the file is .py, just execute the code
- K1_Neural_Reinforce.ipynb : Model with K = 1
- K5_Neural_Reinforce.ipynb : Model with K = 5
- Neural_Reinforce-NoCritic.ipynb : Model without baseline
- Neural_Reinforce.ipynb* : base model
- PlotMemory.ipynb : code used to plot the memory learning curves
- : n step TD, eligibility traces implementation - the main parameters controlling the related file are in the top part of the code.
-* : generates the trajectory
- : code used to generate plots
-* : utility functions,
* original or adapted from