Babalao is an eCommerce platform implemented in Laravel for special topics in software engineering. This project has been built by Santi, Manu, Pipe and Lumi :)
Below you can find details on how to install BookStack on your own hosting. There are a number of installation options available depending on your setup. The install process will require some knowledge of hosting a PHP web application & database.
Babalao has the following requirements:
PHP >= 7.2
For installation and maintenence, you’ll need to be able to run php from the command line.
Required Extensions: OpenSSL, PDO, MBstring, Tokenizer, GD, MySQL, Tidy, SimpleXML & DOM
MySQL >= 5.6
Single Database (All permissions advised since application manages schema)
Git Version Control
(Not strictly required but helps manage updates)
- Clone the release branch of the BookStack GitHub repository into a folder.
git clone
cd into the application folder and run:
composer install
Also install npm dependencies
npm install
if you prefer yarn, run:
Set up a .env file, you'll need to have a mysql database.
You can copy .env.example from laravel repository
And replace it with your information
In the application root, generate a unique application key, by running:
php artisan key:generate
Install the next library already downloaded for invoices management.
php artisan invoices:install
Since it is evolving fast you might want to have latest template after update using Artisan command:
php artisan invoices:update
Notice: It will give a warning if you really want to override default resources
Run migrations
php artisan migrate
Generate seeds
php artisan db:seed
Now we need to generate the storage symlink, if you have problems with the existing one, delete:
And run
php artisan storage:link
We are almost ready, al you need to do now is run:
php artisan serve