Uses the BME680 sensor to read temperature, pressure, humidity and IAQ and provides the data via MQTT and Web.
- Connects to WiFi
- Connects to MQTT broker
- Reads the sensor data of the BME680
- Runs a webserver which provides two routes:
- "/" -> provides a way to view current sensor data
- "/log" -> allows to watch everything printed even if the ESP32 isn't connected to Serial
- Runs websockets to push everything logged to the "/log" webpage
- The "/log" webpage additonally sends a ping request via JavaScript websocket and the ESP32 responds with a pong message to identify connection issues on client side.
- platformio - for uploading sketches (VSCode recommended)
- MQTT broker like Mosquitto or hmq
- MQTT explorer - for debugging
- Solder BME680 pin headers
- Connect ESP32 to BME680
- Flash ESP32
- Integrating into Homebridge
Special thankts to: