Obj_inspect_inator is a simple tool build for inspecting .obj files.
Program should be passed one argument that is path to a file e.g.
./obj_inspect_inator.exe example.obj
To build following project it's necessary to install/build VulkanSDK (https://vulkan.lunarg.com) and glfw (https://www.glfw.org/download.html)
In CMakeLists.txt file set paths to vulkan and GLFW library directories in CONFIG INFORMATION section
You may need to rebuild shaders, in order to do so, provide path to glslc.exe (it should be shipped with VulkanSDK) to "compile_shaders.bat" script
- vulkan - https://www.vulkan.org
- GLFW - https://www.glfw.org
- tinyobjloader - https://github.com/tinyobjloader/tinyobjloader
- stb - https://github.com/nothings/stb