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CrashAlyzer is your easy-to-use(™) crashlog analyzer for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.


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🚀 CrashAlyzer

Welcome to the CrashAlzyer project! Take your postmortem debugging to the next level with CrashAlyzer! 🎉

What is CrashAlyzer?

CrashAlyzer is your easy-to-use(™) crashlog analyzer for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.

Key Features

  • 🛠️ Crashlog & Fault Log Analysis: With CrashAlyzer, you can effortlessly dissect crash logs and fault logs like a pro. Say goodbye to endless hours of manual log interpretation.
  • 🚀 Marlin POSTMORTEM_DEBUGGING Support: Yes, you heard it right! CrashAlyzer supports Marlin POSTMORTEM_DEBUGGING, ensuring that you can effortlessly analyze and debug your Marlin-powered projects.
  • 🧐 arduino-HC32F46x Fault Logs: HC32F46x users, you're in for a treat! CrashAlyzer offers comprehensive support for HC32F46x fault logs, making your debugging process as smooth as silk.
  • 📚 Register Parsing & Backtrace Analysis: Dive deep into the heart of your microcontroller's crash with our built-in register parsing and backtrace analysis tools. Uncover the root cause of those pesky issues!
  • 🌐 Automatic Addr2line Lookup: We've got your back with automatic addr2line lookup. No more manual address translation headaches!
  • 🛠️ Fully Guided TUI: Our user-friendly user interface (TUI) guides you through the entire analysis process. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, CrashAlyzer is here to help.
  • 💻 Powerful CLI: CrashAlyzer provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) for those who prefer a more streamlined and scriptable debugging experience. Analyze logs with precision using command-line options.
  • 🧩 Easily Extendable: CrashAlyzer is designed with extensibility in mind. Add support for more platforms and microcontrollers with ease. Our open architecture lets you expand your debugging toolkit effortlessly.

Getting Started

Getting started with CrashAlyzer is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to unleash the power of Cortex M debugging:

1. Installation: Install CrashAlyzer.

Install CrashAlyzer quickly and easily with your favorite package manager*.

$ npm install -g @shadow578/crashalyzer

[!NOTE] > * only applies if your favorite package manager happens to be npm

2. Analyzer Your Logs: Analyze crash logs effortlessly.

CrashAlyzer offers a flexible and user-friendly experience. Simply run crashalyzer and follow the on-screen instructions to analyze your crash logs.

$ crashalyzer
    ? Crash Log » (...)
    ? Path to ELF File » firmware.elf

If you'd rather not use the interactive mode, you can also pass the crash log and ELF file paths as command-line arguments.

$ crashalyzer
    --log /path/to/crash.log
    --input /path/to/firmware.elf
    --addr2line /path/to/addr2line

All arguments are optional, and CrashAlyzer will prompt you for any missing information.

3. Discover the Magic: Become the Cortex M debugging hero you were always meant to be.

Dive deep into the crash log analysis, unlock the secrets of your microcontroller, and conquer your project like a true hero! 🦸‍♂️


We encourage you to join the CrashAlyzer community and contribute to this awesome project. Together, we can make microcontroller debugging better for everyone! 🤝


CrashAlyzer is open-source software released under the MIT License. Use it, extend it, and conquer the microcontroller world!

Let's take your Cortex M microcontroller debugging to the next level! 🚀✨

About this README

This exciting and slightly overhyped README was crafted with love and enthusiasm by ChatGPT. While I'm here to provide information and help you with your projects, remember that I'm just a machine learning model, and the real heroes behind CrashAlyzer are the dedicated developers and contributors who've brought this project to life. 🤖❤️