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IAM Role for Service Account (IRSA)


module "irsa" {
    source = "shamimice03/eks-irsa/aws"
    create            = true
    cluster_name      = "eks-cluster"
    oidc_provider_arn = "arn:aws:iam::396778319547:oidc-provider/"
    irsa_role_name    = "AWSLoadBalancerControllerRole"
    iam_policy_arn    = "arn:aws:iam::391178969547:policy/AWS-LoadBalancer-Controller-Policy"
    namespace = {
      create_new = false,
      name       = "kube-system"
    serviceaccount = {
      create_new = true,
      name       = "aws-lb-controller-sa"


Variable Type Description Default
create bool Enable or Disable IRSA true
cluster_name string Name of the EKS cluster null
oidc_provider_arn string ARN of the EKS OIDC Provider null
irsa_role_name string Name of the irsa role null
namespace map(any) Enter Namespace { "create_new" = false, "name" = null }
serviceaccount map(any) Enter service account name { "create_new" = false, "name" = null }
iam_policy_arn string ARN of the IAM Policy to be attached null


GPLv3 License