This tool unites components of the Kubernetes ecosystem:
- Cloud management (hosting the Kubernetes clusters)
- Kubernetes Cluster management
- Helm Chart deployment and deletion (via Landscaper)
- Kubernetes secrets (flow: [LastPass ->] Vault -> Landscaper -> K8S Secrets)
Optionally a command exists, pulls centralized shared secrets from LastPass into Vault.
- all: applied to all clusters
- minikube: applied only to minikube clusters
- terraform: applied only to clusters provisioned via terraform (only GKE supported at this time)
- Cloud: terraform, minikube
- Cluster: GKE, minikube, unmanaged (unmanaged bypasses cloud setup)
Deploy k8s clusters + apps (Helm Charts) to:
- minikube
- Any other Kubernetes cluster to which you have credentials
It does this in a portable way, by abstracting cluster provisioning, and centralizing secrets in Vault
Apps are deployed via Helm Charts, with secrets kept in Vault until deployment
- List all clouds stored in Vault
landscape cloud list
- List all clusters
landscape cluster list
- Converge cloud
landscape cloud converge
- Converge cloud then cluster
landscape cluster converge --converge-cloud
- Verify cloud, clusters, and charts can be pulled from Vault
for cloud_name in `landscape cloud list`; do
echo saw cloud ${cloud_name}
for cluster_name in `landscape cluster list --cloud=${cloud_name}`; do
echo saw cluster ${cluster_name}
landscape charts list --cluster=${cluster_name}
for cluster_name in `landscape cluster list`; do
echo saw cluster ${cluster_name}
for cloud_name in `landscape cloud list --cluster=${cluster_name}`; do
echo saw cloud ${cloud_name}
Applies to minikube clusters
If set, HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY will be used for docker image caching
Run squid on your local machine for fastest results
brew install squid && brew services start squid
Set up your local ~/.bash_profile:
cat << EOF > ~/.bash_profile
DEFAULT_INTERFACE=`netstat -rn | grep default | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $NF }'`
DEFAULT_IP=`ifconfig $DEFAULT_INTERFACE | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'`
export https_proxy=http://${DEFAULT_IP}:3128
export HTTPS_PROXY="$https_proxy"
export http_proxy="$https_proxy"
export HTTP_PROXY="$https_proxy"
export no_proxy=http.chartmuseum.svc.cluster.local,
open a new shell to use these environment variables
python3.6 -m venv ~/venv
source ~/venv/bin/activate
# Install landscape tool
pip install --upgrade .
# install prerequisites
landscape setup install-prerequisites
## Bootstrap local setup
Deploys to local docker containers:
- hashicorp vault
- chartmuseum Helm chart server
make SHARED_SECRETS_USERNAME=<lastpass_username> GOOGLE_STORAGE_BUCKET=<chart_gcs_bucket> local deploy
# Connect to a VPN inside your cluster
helm status openvpn-openvpn # copy the create_viscosity_profile section
# and run it in your shell
open minikube-master.ovpn # Import Viscosity profile into MacOS
# Connect to minikube-master. admin credentials are pulled from LastPass
# via the above `make` command.
# Open https://http.jenkins.svc.cluster.local in your browser
- Add Jenkinsfile to a Jenkins job
- Open https://http.jenkins.svc.cluster.local in your browser
- clouds are tied to git branches for a terraform repo terraform repo
- clusters are tied to git branches for a landscaper chart repo landscaper repo
The landscape tool in this repo is careful not to apply git branches to the wrong clusters and clouds, unless forced on the command line with --force
- Use private registry with minikube:
docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat cloud-serviceaccount-staging-123456.json)"
- Import minikube ca.crt into your MacOS keychain
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/.minikube/ca.crt
- deploy cluster (minikube + helm charts)
Pulls secrets from LastPass and puts them in a local dev-vault container Serves Helm Chart repo in a local dev-chartmuseum container, backed by GCS
make CLUSTER_NAME=minikube
- terraform
### GKE
1. list clusters
landscape cluster list
2. deploy cluster (GCE/GKE terraform template + helm charts)
make CLUSTER_NAME=gke_staging-123456_us-west1-a_master
landscape charts converge --git-branch=${BRANCH_NAME} --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} --converge-cluster --converge-cloud
## Once cluster is up
- Verify that the cluster is running by issuing the command:
kubectl version --context=${CONTEXT_NAME}
- generate OpenVPN profile to connect to the cluster
helm status openvpn-openvpn | grep -v '^.*#' | sed -e '1,/generate_openvpn_profile:/d'
- Copy and paste the output into a shell to generate a Viscosity profile setup
- open the VPN profile (it has a .ovpn extension)
- Username and password are what is in Vault /openvpn/ sub-key
## Prerequisites
Should be installed automatically, if missing
- kubectl
- vault
- helm
- vault
- minikube
- landscaper
You may also want to download the [Google Cloud SDK](
## Credentials
LastPass credentials are used to retrieve a shared set of secrets
These secrets are then passed into Vault - used for Terraform and Helm secrets
## Vault paths
## Troubleshooting
- Error messages
GCloud credentials failing
Failed to load backend: Error configuring the backend "gcs": Failed to configure remote backend "gcs": google: could not find default credentials.
This means you don't have GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS set. Run `gcloud auth activate-service-account` to remedy.
- minikube clock out of sync
minikube ssh -- docker run -i --rm --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i date -u $(date -u +%m%d%H%M%Y)
- chartmuseum helm chart server
Requires command `gcloud auth application-default login` having been run. Mounts your own google credentials json inside of the chartmuseum container.