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Mandala Solr Configs

This repository contains the current solr configs that are uploaded to the SearchStax (formerly MeasuredSearch) solr installation.

It also contain a few utility scripts to assist in maintaining the configs


  • Solr Configs
  • Utility scripts


  • Zookeeper
  • Solr
  • Git

NB: Searchstax has IP-based access controls for Zookeeper. So you can ONLY run these script from hosts on the allowed list! see


1. make sure you have the most current configs and utility scripts checked out from github:

> git clone
> git clone

And subquently,

> cd solr-shanti-configsets
> git pull

NB: Wherever you clone these two repos, you will need to update the paths in ./ to point to the appropriate files.

2. copy and configure ./scripts/ to the name ./scripts/

> cd ./scripts
> cp ./
> vi

NB: Most likely you will only need to edit the path to the zk script (ZK) and config base directory (CONFDIR)

./scripts/downconfig dev kmassets_dev

3. Use the downconfig script to download the current configs from SearchStax, reconciling any differences via git. NB: if things are properly up-to-date there shouldn't be any differences.

> ./scripts/downconfig dev kmassets_dev
3a. Use the usual git commands to reconcile differences.
> git status
> git diff

Note: the usage message for downconfig:

> scripts/downconfig
Usage: downconfig [prod|dev] <configname>

[prod|dev] refers to whether you are contacting the prod or dev instance. <configname> refers to the subdirectory (and zookeeper configname) of the solr configs. The actual configs are stored in this directory: solr6.4.x. This matches the current version of solr that we are using. I'll update the script with the current active version as we upgrade.

4. Do the same for the other config (e.g. kmassets_predev)

> cd solr-shanti-configsets
> ./scripts/downconfig dev kmassets_predev
> git status
> git diff

5. Copy the configs from kmassets_dev to kmassets_predev as necessary.

One way using unix command to compare the configs is to use diff:

cd solr6.4.x
diff -r ./kmassets_dev ./kmassets_predev

Copy, edit the files as necessary.

6. Upload the configs to the SearchStax server

> cd solr-shanti-configsets
> ./scripts/upconfig dev kmassets_predev 

7. Use the solr admin interface to reload the kmassets_predev instance

insert screenshots etc here

8. Check the everything is working


9. Check-in and push your changes to github

> cd solr-shanti-configsets
> git status
> git add ...
> git commit -m 'blah blah blah`
> git push

10. Open refreshing beverage

NB: must be refreshing.

Additional Notes

There should be additional notes here, but I'm tired...


Yuji Shinozaki