This is the initial website
This is the final website implemented by me
After the additional implementation of the project, it features
- Ability to edit the workouts
- Ability to delete the workout
- Ability to deleteAll the workouts
- Ability to sort according to time distance and gyration And the most advanced features which feature the
- Geocode Location from co-ordinates
- Weather Feature from open weather API and implementing the cloud view
Mapty is a web application that allows users to track their workouts on an interactive map. It is built using the Leaflet library for map functionality and incorporates object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. The application provides a user-friendly interface and features visually appealing CSS styling.
Workout Tracking: Users can track different types of workouts, including running, cycling, and more. The application allows them to specify workout details such as distance, duration, pace, and elevation gain.
Interactive Map: Mapty leverages the Leaflet library to display an interactive map. Users can add workout locations by clicking on the map, and markers are displayed to represent each workout.
Workout Details: The application provides a comprehensive overview of each workout, including distance covered, duration, average pace, and elevation gain. Users can easily access this information by clicking on the workout markers or workout list items.
Data Persistence: Mapty stores workout data in the browser's local storage, ensuring that users' workout history is preserved even after refreshing the page or closing the browser.
HTML: Markup language for structuring the application's web pages.
CSS: Stylesheet language for enhancing the application's visual design.
JavaScript: Programming language used to implement the application's logic and interactivity.
Leaflet: Open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): A programming paradigm used to organize and structure the application's codebase.
I would finally like to thank @Johnas Schmedtmann for a amazing course in udemy