We simulated metagenomic sequencing reads for 25 communities from distinct habitats (for example, gastrointestinal, oral, dermal, vaginal and building, five communities for each habitat; Methods). To avoid reference database bias of different metagenomic profil- ers, the genomes used to generate simulated communities were selected from the intersection among the reference databases of MetaPhlAn2, mOTUs2 and Kraken2.
Sun, Z., Huang, S., Zhang, M. et al. Challenges in benchmarking metagenomic profilers. Nat Methods 18, 618–626 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-021-01141-3
Sun et al. simulated 25 metagenomic reads for benchmarking metagenomic profilers, while the ground truth profiles format is not convenient for interpretation with tools like opal. For example:
$ head -n 4 sun/5_building_sequence_abd.txt
SpeciesID sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4 sample_5
Corynebacterium_jeikeium 0.00195744970771946 0 0 0.0081377431495817 0
Lactococcus_lactis 0.0285317256732946 0 0.00218905863883039 0.00157454493494673 0.00769396428284639
Streptococcus_agalactiae 0.00126070506577494 0 0.00268546083074535 0 0.00348204130934378
Taxonomic names instead of TaxId were used, and they were formated:
Square brackets were deleted:
Orininal: [Clostridium] hiranonis Formated: Clostridium_hiranonis
Characters except letters and numbers were replaced with underlines.
Orininal: Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13) Formated: Synechococcus_sp_JA_2_3B_a_2_13
Tailing underlines were deleted
Besides, the verion of NCBI Taxonomy database was not clear. The only clue is:
Indeed, in the recently updated microbial genome database (NCBI RefSeq, 6 November 2020),
This made it hard to convert taxonomic names to the right TaxId,
because NCBI Taxonomy changes frequently.
I had to manually checking the history of a taxon via taxid-changelog,
and finally found the lastest available taxdump version: 2020-03-01
- Taxonomic abundance: sun2021_gs_taxonomic_abd.profile
- Sequence abundance: sun2021_gs_sequence_abd.profile
- Twenty-five simulated reads and ground truth profiles.
- Taxdump file of original profile:taxdmp_2020-03-01
- Taxdump file for new profile: taxdmp_2021-10-01 or other versions of NCBI taxdump files.
Here we use taxdmp_2021-10-01.zip as the new taxonomy version.
# download taxdmp_2021-10-01.zip
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump_archive/taxdmp_2021-10-01.zip
mkdir taxdump-to
unzip taxdmp_2021-10-01.zip names.dmp nodes.dmp merged.dmp delnodes.dmp -d taxdump-to
# wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump_archive/taxdmp_2020-03-01.zip
mkdir -p $taxdump
unzip taxdmp_2020-03-01.zip names.dmp nodes.dmp merged.dmp delnodes.dmp -d $taxdump
# taxid -> name
taxonkit list --ids 1 --indent "" --data-dir $taxdump \
| taxonkit lineage -n -L --data-dir $taxdump \
> taxid2name.tsv
# Sun2021 deletes `[` and `]`
# name -> taxid
csvtk cut -lHt -f 2,1 taxid2name.tsv \
| csvtk replace -lHt -f 1 -p '[\[\]]' \
| csvtk replace -lHt -f 1 -p '[\W]+' -r '_' \
| csvtk replace -lHt -f 1 -p '_$' \
> name2taxid.tsv
for name consistency. Because the reads file are:Build_sample1.left.fq.gz
.# mv sun/5_building_sequence_abd.txt sun/5_build_sequence_abd.txt # mv sun/5_building_taxonomic_abd.txt sun/5_build_taxonomic_abd.txt
Reformating Sun's format to two-column format (taxid and abundance):
type=taxonomic_abd # type=sequence_abd rm -rf $type mkdir $type for f in sun/*$type.txt; do for c in $(seq 2 6); do cut -f 1,$c $f \ | sed 1d \ | csvtk replace -Ht -K -k name2taxid.tsv -p '(.+)' -r '{kv}' \ > $type/$(basename $f | awk -F _ '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/^(.)/\U\1/')_sample$(expr $c - 1) done done # checking unsolved names: cat $type/* | csvtk grep -Ht -f 1 -r -p '[^\d]' # manually checking the change history via https://github.com/shenwei356/taxid-changelog
Formating to CAMI2 format:
taxver=ncbi-taxonomy-2021-12-06 taxdump=taxdump-to /bin/rm $type/*.profile ls $type/* \ | rush -v taxver=$taxver -v taxdump=$taxdump \ 'taxonkit profile2cami --data-dir {taxdump} -s {%} -t {taxver} {} -o {}.profile'
cat $type/*.profile > sun2021_gs_$type.profile