Example IPython notebooks for post processing zCFD results
Installation instructions:
Ensure you have Python 2.7 (including virtualenv package) and Paraview installed. Note ParaView needs to use the same version of python
In the scripts folder run
This will install all the required python packages in zPost/zpost-py27
To run the ipython notebook server
If you want to run a custom version of Paraview please set the PARAVIEW_HOME variable in your shell before starting the notebook server
This library can also be used to simplify the launching of a pvserver from the ParaView client. The launcher scripts setup a secure reverse connection from the ParaView server using an automatically discovered unused port in the range of 12000-13000.
For an example ParaView server config file see shared/servers.pvsc
The launcher scripts are in scripts/pvserver_launcher.bsh and scripts/pvcluster_launcher.bsh
This relies on passwordless ssh key based authentication on the remote server so ensure this works correctly before using this facility.
The server environment requires the MyCluster application to the installed and configured correctly for the cluster capability to operate. The server submit node also requires that the ssh server is configured to act as a gateway so that the cluster nodes can connect to the ParaView client.
These options need to be set in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the server
AllowTcpForwarding yes
GatewayPorts yes
To use the cluster capabilities from python instead of calling
pvserver_connect(data_host=data_host,data_dir=data_dir,paraview_cmd=paraview_cmd,job_queue=your_job_queue, job_ntasks=your_number_of_mpi_tasks,job_ntaskpernode=your_number_of_tasks_per_node,job_project=your_job_project)