This script facilitates the migration of your Anghami playlists to Spotify playlists by logging into both platforms.
This script runs on Node.js. If you haven't already, you can install it by following the instructions on the Node.js website.
Register your app and obtain your credentials from the Spotify for Developers Dashboard. Create a new app in the dashboard and add http://localhost:3000/callback to the app's redirect URL list. After creating your app, update the .env file with the client ID and client secret obtained from the app settings in the dashboard. You should also add the user to the app's list of users in the dashboard's settings.
Log in to Anghami and open the developer tools to obtain the session ID from the payload of a request. Add the session ID to the .env file:
Alternatively, you can add your own Anghami credentials to the .env file:
From a console shell:
node run start
Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and follow the instructions.