SendGrid template engine is smart but is a little bit tricky to use from .net. This library wraps all complexities and exposes nice fluent notation to easily send emails with SendGrid templates.
How to?
Create a SendGrid template ( make sure it is activated) and get the template id
Use the following fluent notation to deliver emails
SgEmail.WithCredentials("your sendgrid user name", "your password") .WithTemplate("sendgrid template id") .To("") .Subject("Test") .From(""); .Deliver();//or DeliverAsync();
To replace content in the template
SgEmail.WithCredentials("your sendgrid user name", "your password") .WithTemplate("sendgrid template id") .To("") .Subject("Test with replacable content") .Substitute("-name-","Test") // -name- tag in the template will be replaced by "Test" .Substitute("-registrationlink-","") //-registrationlink- will be replaced by "". .From(MyTestEmail) .Deliver();//or DeliverAsync();