Regularized Anderson Acceleration (RAA) is a general acceleration framework for off-policy deep reinforcement learning. The algorithm is based on the paper Regularized Anderson Acceleration for Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning presented at NeurIPS 2019.
This implementation uses PyTorch and Python 3.6. Method is tested on MuJoCo continuous control tasks and Atari 2600 in OpenAI Gym v2.
- OpenAI Gym <=0.12.1
The paper results can be reproduced by running:
For RAA-DuelingDQN
Hyper-parameters can be modified with different arguments to We include an implementation of DuelingDQN (/RAA-DuelingDQN/src/ for easy comparison of hyper-parameters with RAA-DuelingDQN and an implementation of TD3 (/RAA-TD3/src/ for easy comparison of hyper-parameters with RAA-TD3.
Learning curves found in the paper are found under /learning_curves. Some experimental data and saved models are found under /RAA-DuelingDQN/logs and /RAA-TD3/logs. Numerical results can be found in the paper, or from the learning curves.
title={Regularized Anderson Acceleration for Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author={Wenjie Shi, Shiji Song, Hui Wu, Ya-Chu Hsu, Cheng Wu, Gao Huang},
booktitle={Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems},