- vue
- vue-router
- vuex
- axios
- lodash
- scss
- webpack
- element-ui
- fs
- mysql
- shelljs
- cmd-promise
- 安装包可以选择安路径,定制安装界面
这里只列了src renderer进程中目录,static 目录已看便知 其他文件可参照官方文档详解 https://electronjs.org/docs 和 https://simulatedgreg.gitbooks.io/electron-vue/content/cn/project_structure.html
├──api/ * mysql操作 cmd 命令执行
├──assets/ * 资源
│──common/ * 公共自定义js文件
├──components/ * vue 组件目录
├──router/ * 路由目录
├──scss/ * scss 样式文件
├──store/ * vuex 状态管理
├──App.vue * <router-view>
└──main.js * 入口文件
#### Build Setup
``` bash
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint
This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.