A boilerplate application in C# .net framework to learn and demonstrate end-to-end application development as a ground-up base for an enterprise application while trying out various architectural patterns and framework. The application is a basic windows form app with basic CRUD functions to the connecting database.
- BoilerPlate App -> Windows form application which takes in the data and displays them on UI.
- Business -> Project containing the business logic of the application.
- Core -> Project containing the core platform functionality like Dependency Injection and security features.
- Winsor Castle used for dependency injection framework. (In Progress)
- DBProviders -> Project containing DB provider classes and DB connection management classes.
- Models -> Project containing the models used throughout the application.
- Tests -> MS Test Project.
- Moq framework used to mock out dependencies.
- Add a setup project to install/clean-and-reinstall database.
- Add a windows service to let other parallel app to consume business logic of the application
- Add a web app and expose rest API