Create a remote repository directly from your local folder to GitHub without any some kind of Github CLI commands(gh).
Choose Personal access token (classic)
Create from here ->
Set the Personal access token as a environment variable of your local shell, with naming $GITHUB_PAT
(If you are already using the environment variable name $GITHUB_PAT, change it to other name, sorry. )
git clone
My useage example (Current directly is home and local folder which is push to Github directly from local(testrepos) is at same level directory.)
cd testrepos
cp ../wfh/ .
zsh shunak private
If you input your GitHub Username as first argument and Your Repository's visibility as second argument,
it will create New Repository named with current folder name so, set your directory's name what you want to name.
Check at the Github repository. Your local folder is pushed to Github.
By this way, you can do easily and continuously uploading your local folder to Github without any Github commands.
Operation Checked@ bash, zsh