Real time server API for collaboration webapps based on
The project consists of the following components
- API Server library + API Server: this server handles authentication and permissions through the JWT. It also ensures data persistence.
- API Convergence Server library: this library allows the interface with the Convergence Server (WebSocket real time api)
- Client js library for Front End: this library (webpack bundle) exports the Convapp object that the Front End application can import and use to access collaboration services
First, clone the livingapi repository from git:
git clone
Then, to install required node modules, invoke the following:
npm install
To build the api server:
npm run build
To use the library in your web app you need two servers up and running
Run the Convergence Server with Admin Console and Orient DB. To start Convergence Server:
In order to use JWT authorization with Convergence Server for a given domain, setup a JWT authentication for that domain with a public key, then generate a token using private key and the KeyId associated with public key.
To start the API server, invoke the following:
npm run testsrv
The API server starts with cofiguration parameters in
"HOST": "<API server binding address>",
"PORT": "<API Server port>",
"HTTPS": "<HTTPS mode (NO|YES>",
"LOGTYPE": "<logger mode (file|stdouy)>",
"USER": "<API Server initial user>",
"PASSWD": "<API Server initail passwd>",
"JWT_SECRET": "<JWT secret>",
"KEY_ID": "<Convergence Server key id>",
"CONVHOST": "<Convergence Server host/ip>",
"CONVPORT": "<Cpnvergence Server Port>"
To use the library in your webapp import the script:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Some title </title>
<script src="script/dist/brouser.bundle.js"></script>
The API is accessible through the global object:
- Create new user digital twin: create new digital user and connect to Convergence Platform
- Authentication/Authorization: api for managing authentication and authorizations
- Connection: connect to Convergence Server
- Disconnection: disconnects from Convergence Server
- User Search: search user by name
- Search: search users by query
- Group: get user group
- Presence Service: presence service management api
- Subscribe: subscribe to get presence event notification
- Set Presence Status: set presence status
- Unsubscribe: unsubscribe presence event notification
- Shared activity: api for managing shared activity among users
- Join/Create Avtivity: join an activity (create if not existent)
- Leave Activity: leave an activity
- Get Participants: get the activity participants
- Remove Activity: remove the activity
- Set Activity State: set an activity state
- Get Activity State: get the value of an activity state
- Remove Activity State: remove an activity state
- Clear Activity State: clear all activity states
- Set Activity Permissions: set the activity permissions
- Get Activity Permissions: get the activity permissions
- Shared project: api for managing shared project artifacts
- Chat: chat api
- Create Chat Room: create a chat room
- Create Chat Channel: create a chat channel
- Create Chat Direct: create a chat direct
- Remove Chat: remove a chat
- Join Chat: join a chat
- Send a Message: send a message to the chat
- Add Users to a Channel: add users to a chat channel
- Leave Chat: leave a chat
- Change Chat Name: change chat name
- Change Chat Topic: change chat topic
- Get Chat Info: get chat info
To create new digital user and connect to Convergence with JWT use:
const baseapiurl = "http://<apiserver>:<apiport>/living/v1/convergence";
const convergenceurl = "http://<convergenceserver>:<convergenceport>/api/realtime/convergence/living"
const apiconn = new window.ConvApp.JwtApi(baseapiurl);
const jwtconn = new window.ConvApp.JwtConnection(convergenceurl, apiconn);
const userjwt = new window.ConvApp.Brouser("", jwtconn);
The instance userjwt now contains all the collaboration API. Each API call is asyncronous (returns a Promise). Each API call emits an event. The caller can listen to the event and will be notified when the call completes (or if an error occurs).
To connect the user to Convergence Server use:
userjwt.connect({ user: "", password: "password" })
You can subscribe to the connection event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CONNECTED, async (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is the following:
domain: <domainId>
session: <sessionId>
To disconnect the user from Convergence Server use:
You can subscribe to the disconnection event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_DISCONNECTED, async (id: any ) => { whatever you need to do...
To get user info by username use:
You can subscribe to the user search event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_SEARCHUSER, (user: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The user
object returned by the event listener is the following:
"firstName":"User First Name",
"lastName":"User Last Name",
"displayName":"User Display Name",
To get user info by query use:
const query = { fields: ['firstName', 'lastName'], term: 'searchterm', offset: 0, limit: 10, orderBy: { field: 'lastName', ascending: true } }
You can subscribe to the user search event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_SEARCH, (users: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The users
returned by the event listener is an array of user
"firstName":"User1 First Name",
"lastName":"User1 Last Name",
"displayName":"User1 Display Name",
"firstName":"User2 First Name",
"lastName":"User2 Last Name",
"displayName":"User2 Display Name",
To get group info use:
You can subscribe to the get group event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_GETGROUP, (group: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The group
object returned by the event listener is the following:
"description":"Group Description",
To subscribe to userlist (buddies) events use:
You can get presence state change event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_PRESENCESTATE, (ret: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The ret
object returned by the event listerner is the following:
evt: "status_set"
state: "offline"|"available"|"dnd"|"away"
To change the presence status of the user use:
userjwt.status = "available"|"dnd"|"away"
To unsubscribe to userlist (buddies) events use:
To join an existing activity (or create if it doesn't exists) use:
userjwt.joinActivity("<activity-type>", "<activity-id>")
You can join only one activity at time. You need to leave the activity if you want to join another one You can subscribe to the join activity event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSESSIONJOINED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is the following:
participant: joined participant object
The participant
object is as follows:
activity: The Activity this participant belongs too.
sessionId: The session id of the participant.
user: The username of the participant.
local: A flag indicating if the participant represents the local user / session.
state: The state of this participant within the activity.
To leave an existing activity use:
You can subscribe to the leave activity event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSESSIONLEFT, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is the following:
activity: The Activity this participant belongs too.
user: The username of the participant.
sessionId: The session id of the participant.
To get the list of activity participants use:
You can subscribe to the get activity participants event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYGETPARTICIPANTS, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is the an array of participant
participant1, participant2, participant3
To remove an activity use (you must have permission to remove):
You can subscribe to the remove activity event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYDELETED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
activity: The Activity deleted.
user: The username.
sessionId: The session id.
To set an activity state use:
userjwt.setActivityState("<state name>", "<state value>")
You can subscribe to the set activity state event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSTATESET, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
activity: The Activity this participant belongs too.
sessionId: The session id of the participant.
user: The username of the participant.
local: A flag indicating if the participant represents the local user / session.
state: The state of this participant within the activity.
key: the state that was modified.
value: the value of the state.
To get an activity state use:
const res = userjwt.getActivityState("<state name>")
The res
object returned is a string with the state value.
To remove an activity state use:
userjwt.removeActivityState("<state name>")
You can subscribe to the remove activity state event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSTATEREMOVED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
activity: The Activity this participant belongs too.
sessionId: The session id of the participant.
user: The username of the participant.
local: A flag indicating if the participant represents the local user / session.
state: The state of this participant within the activity.
key: the state that was removed
To remove all the activity states use:
You can subscribe to the clear activity state event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSTATECLEARED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
activity: The Activity this participant belongs too.
sessionId: The session id of the participant.
user: The username of the participant.
local: A flag indicating if the participant represents the local user / session.
state: The state of this participant within the activity.
To set activity permissions use:
// For group
const perms = { "<GroupName>": ["join", "lurk", "view_state", "set_state"] }
userjwt.setActivityPermissions("group", perms)
// for user
const perms = { "<UserName>": ["join", "lurk", "set_state", "view_state", "manage", "remove"] }
userjwt.setActivityPermissions("user", perms)
// for everyone
const perms = { "world": ["join", "lurk", "view_state"] }
userjwt.setActivityPermissions("world", perms)
You can subscribe to the set activity state permissions event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_ACTIVITYSETPERMISSIONS, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
type: permission type.
permissions: permissions setted
To get activity permissions use:
const ret = userjwt.getActivityPermissions("<type>")
The ret
object returned is an array of string of permissions.
To create a chat room use:
userjwt.createRoomChat("ROOM_NAME", "ROOM_TOPIC")
To create a chat channel use:
userjwt.createChannelChat("CHANNEL_NAME", "CHANNEL_TOPIC")
To create a chat Direct with,, use:
userjwt.createDirectChat(["", ""])
To remove a chat use:
You can subscribe to the chat remove event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATREMOVED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
cahtId: chat Id
To join a chat use:
You can subscribe to the chat join event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATJOIN, async (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
cahtId: chat Id
To send a message to a chat room or a chat channel use:
userjwt.chatSend("CHAT_NAME","This is my message")
To send a message to a direct chat room use:
userjwt.chatSend("CHAT_NAME","This is my message", true)
You can subscribe to the chat send event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATMESSAGE, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
message: message sent to the chat
To add a user to a chat channel use:
You can subscribe to the chat user add event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATUSERADDED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
user: user added to the chat
To leave a chat use:
You can subscribe to the chat leave event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATLEFT, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
cahtId: chat Id
To change tha chat name use:
You can subscribe to the chat change name event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATNAMECHANGED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
cahtName: new chat name
To change tha chat name use:
You can subscribe to the chat change topic event using:
userjwt.emitter.on(Brouser.EVT_CHATTOPICCHANGED, (res: any) => { whatever you need to do...
The res
object returned by the event listerner is:
topic: new chat topic
To get tha chat info use: