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Flesh out CloudBackupManager sub-components: Recipient handling
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harry-signal authored Nov 29, 2023
1 parent 8934794 commit f5a27b9
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Showing 24 changed files with 4,724 additions and 3,625 deletions.
132 changes: 128 additions & 4 deletions Signal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation

public protocol CloudBackupAccountDataArchiver: CloudBackupProtoArchiver {

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation

public protocol CloudBackupCallArchiver: CloudBackupProtoArchiver {

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation

public protocol CloudBackupChatArchiver: CloudBackupProtoArchiver {

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation

public protocol CloudBackupChatItemArchiver: CloudBackupProtoArchiver {

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation

extension CloudBackup {
public enum ArchiveFrameError: Error {
case protoSerializationError(Error)
case fileIOError(Error)

/// An error generating the master key for a group, causing the group to be skipped.
case groupMasterKeyError(Error)

/// Note the plural; covers the archiving of multiple frames, typically
/// batched by type.
public enum ArchiveFramesResult<AppIdType> {
public struct Error {
public let objectId: AppIdType
public let error: ArchiveFrameError

case success
/// We managed to write some frames, but failed for others.
/// Note that some errors _may_ be terminal; the caller should check.
case partialSuccess([Error])
/// Catastrophic failure, e.g. we failed to read from the database at all
/// for an entire category of frame.
case completeFailure(Swift.Error)

public enum RestoringFrameError: Error {
case identifierNotFound
/// The proto contained invalid or self-contradictory data, e.g an invalid ACI.
case invalidProtoData
case databaseInsertionFailed(Error)
/// The contents of the frame are not recognized by any archiver and were ignored.
case unknownFrameType

public enum RestoreFrameResult<ProtoIdType> {
case success
case failure(ProtoIdType, RestoringFrameError)

public protocol CloudBackupProtoArchiver {


extension CloudBackupProtoArchiver {

* Helper function to build a frame and write the proto to the backup file in one action
* with standard error handling.
* WARNING: any errors thrown in the ``frameBuilder`` function will become
* ``CloudBackup.ArchiveFrameError.protoSerializationError``s. The closure
* should only be used to build the frame proto and any sub protos, and not to capture errors encountered
* reading the information required to build the proto.
internal static func writeFrameToStream(
_ stream: CloudBackupProtoOutputStream,
frameBuilder: (BackupProtoFrameBuilder) throws -> BackupProtoFrame
) -> CloudBackup.ArchiveFrameError? {
let frame: BackupProtoFrame
do {
frame = try frameBuilder(BackupProtoFrame.builder())
} catch {
return .protoSerializationError(error)
switch stream.writeFrame(frame) {
case .success:
return nil
case .fileIOError(let error):
return .fileIOError(error)
case .protoSerializationError(let error):
return .protoSerializationError(error)

extension CloudBackup.ArchiveFrameError {

func asArchiveFramesError<AppIdType>(
objectId: AppIdType
) -> CloudBackup.ArchiveFramesResult<AppIdType>.Error {
return .init(objectId: objectId, error: self)

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// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import Foundation
import LibSignalClient

* Archives a contact (``SignalRecipient``) as a ``BackupProtoContact``, which is a type of
* ``BackupProtoRecipient``.
public class CloudBackupContactRecipientArchiver: CloudBackupRecipientDestinationArchiver {

private let blockingManager: CloudBackup.Shims.BlockingManager
private let profileManager: CloudBackup.Shims.ProfileManager
private let recipientHidingManager: RecipientHidingManager
private let signalRecipientFetcher: CloudBackup.Shims.SignalRecipientFetcher
private let storyFinder: CloudBackup.Shims.StoryFinder
private let tsAccountManager: TSAccountManager

public init(
blockingManager: CloudBackup.Shims.BlockingManager,
profileManager: CloudBackup.Shims.ProfileManager,
recipientHidingManager: RecipientHidingManager,
signalRecipientFetcher: CloudBackup.Shims.SignalRecipientFetcher,
storyFinder: CloudBackup.Shims.StoryFinder,
tsAccountManager: TSAccountManager
) {
self.blockingManager = blockingManager
self.profileManager = profileManager
self.recipientHidingManager = recipientHidingManager
self.signalRecipientFetcher = signalRecipientFetcher
self.storyFinder = storyFinder
self.tsAccountManager = tsAccountManager

private typealias ArchivingAddress = CloudBackup.RecipientArchivingContext.Address

public func archiveRecipients(
stream: CloudBackupProtoOutputStream,
context: CloudBackup.RecipientArchivingContext,
tx: DBReadTransaction
) -> ArchiveFramesResult {
let whitelistedAddresses = Set(profileManager.allWhitelistedRegisteredAddresses(tx: tx))
let blockedAddresses = blockingManager.blockedAddresses(tx: tx)

var errors = [ArchiveFramesResult.Error]()

signalRecipientFetcher.enumerateAll(tx: tx) { recipient in
let recipientAddress: ArchivingAddress
if let aci = recipient.aci {
recipientAddress = .contactAci(aci)
} else if let pni = recipient.pni {
recipientAddress = .contactPni(pni)
} else if let e164 = E164(recipient.phoneNumber) {
recipientAddress = .contactE164(e164)
} else {
// Skip but don't add to the list of errors.
Logger.warn("Skipping empty recipient")

let recipientId = context.assignRecipientId(to: recipientAddress)

let recipientBuilder = BackupProtoRecipient.builder(
id: recipientId.value

var unregisteredAtTimestamp: UInt64 = 0
if !recipient.isRegistered {
unregisteredAtTimestamp = (
recipient.unregisteredAtTimestamp ?? SignalRecipient.Constants.distantPastUnregisteredTimestamp

// TODO: instead of doing per-recipient fetches, we should bulk load
// some of these fetched fields into memory to avoid db round trips.
let contactBuilder = BackupProtoContact.builder(
blocked: blockedAddresses.contains(recipient.address),
hidden: self.recipientHidingManager.isHiddenRecipient(recipient, tx: tx),
unregisteredTimestamp: unregisteredAtTimestamp,
profileSharing: whitelistedAddresses.contains(recipient.address),
hideStory: { self.storyFinder.isStoryHidden(forAci: $0, tx: tx) ?? false } ?? false

contactBuilder.setRegistered(recipient.isRegistered ? .registered : .notRegistered)\\\.uint64Value).map(contactBuilder.setE164)
// TODO: username?

let profile = self.profileManager.getUserProfile(for: recipient.address, tx: tx)
// TODO: joined name?

Self.writeFrameToStream(stream, frameBuilder: { frameBuilder in
let contact = try
let protoRecipient = try
return try
}).map { errors.append($0.asArchiveFramesError(objectId: recipientId)) }

if errors.isEmpty {
return .success
} else {
return .partialSuccess(errors)

static func canRestore(_ recipient: BackupProtoRecipient) -> Bool {
return != nil

public func restore(
_ recipientProto: BackupProtoRecipient,
context: CloudBackup.RecipientRestoringContext,
tx: DBWriteTransaction
) -> RestoreFrameResult {
guard let contactProto = else {
owsFail("Invalid proto for class")

let isRegistered: Bool?
let unregisteredTimestamp: UInt64?
switch contactProto.registered {
case .none, .unknown:
isRegistered = nil
unregisteredTimestamp = nil
case .registered:
isRegistered = true
unregisteredTimestamp = nil
case .notRegistered:
isRegistered = false
unregisteredTimestamp = contactProto.unregisteredTimestamp

let aci: Aci? =\.0).map(Aci.init(fromUUID:))
let pni: Pni? =\.0).map(Pni.init(fromUUID:))
let e164: E164? = E164(contactProto.e164)
guard aci != nil || pni != nil || e164 != nil else {
// Need at least one identifier!
return .failure(recipientProto.recipientId, .invalidProtoData)
context[recipientProto.recipientId] = .contact(aci: aci, pni: pni, e164: e164)

// TODO: make this a real method.
var recipient = SignalRecipient.proofOfConcept_forBackup(
aci: aci,
pni: pni,
phoneNumber: e164,
isRegistered: isRegistered,
unregisteredAtTimestamp: unregisteredTimestamp

// TODO: remove this check; we should be starting with an empty database.
if let existingRecipient = signalRecipientFetcher.recipient(for: recipient.address, tx: tx) {
recipient = existingRecipient
if isRegistered == true, !recipient.isRegistered {
signalRecipientFetcher.markAsRegisteredAndSave(recipient, tx: tx)
} else if isRegistered == false, recipient.isRegistered, let unregisteredTimestamp {
signalRecipientFetcher.markAsUnregisteredAndSave(recipient, at: unregisteredTimestamp, tx: tx)
} else {
do {
try signalRecipientFetcher.insert(recipient, tx: tx)
} catch let error {
return .failure(recipientProto.recipientId, .databaseInsertionFailed(error))

if contactProto.profileSharing {
// Add to the whitelist.
profileManager.addToWhitelist(recipient.address, tx: tx)

if contactProto.blocked {
blockingManager.addBlockedAddress(recipient.address, tx: tx)

if contactProto.hidden {
do {
try recipientHidingManager.addHiddenRecipient(recipient, wasLocallyInitiated: false, tx: tx)
} catch let error {
return .failure(recipientProto.recipientId, .databaseInsertionFailed(error))

if contactProto.hideStory, let aci {
let storyContext = storyFinder.getOrCreateStoryContextAssociatedData(for: aci, tx: tx)
storyFinder.setStoryContextHidden(storyContext, tx: tx)

givenName: contactProto.profileGivenName,
familyName: contactProto.profileFamilyName,
profileKey: contactProto.profileKey,
address: recipient.address,
tx: tx

return .success

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