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Estate Manage Tenant Flutter App

This repo is currently a Work In Progress.

This is the mobile app for the estate tenants. There is a backend repo for the estate manager.


  1. Login to your Firebase console to create a new project with Android and iOS Apps (docs). Note that the GoogleService-Info.plist & google-services.json files you don't need to download & copy to your flutter project. It will be handled by FlutterFire as next instruction.

  2. Follow the FlutterFire installation instructions to generate (auto generated by Firebase) GoogleService-Info.plist, google-services.json, and firebase_options.dart

  3. Install the NodeJS packages

  • At project root, type: npm install

Note: Why flutter project requires NodeJS packages? Because release-it package is really easy to use for GitHub releases management.

  1. Create new JSON file at assets/cfg/dev.json. Copy below contents to modify the values to your debug environment:
  "hostApiUri": "<YOUR_BACKEND_URL>"
  1. Modify the assets/cfg/prod.json & enter the values for your production environment.

  2. Create a secret key file at assets/cfg/secrets.json. The contents are:

  "enc_secret_key": "<you generate base 64 encryption key>",
  "enc_iv": "<you generate length 16 encryption key>"

Note: To generate above encryption keys, please follow the Dart encrypt package. After the package installed, enter below commands:

$ secure-random -b 64 # copy&paste the value to above 'enc_secret_key'
$ secure-random -l 16 # copy&paste the value to above 'enc_iv'
  1. Android properties files

Modify the file '/android/'. Add below settings:

android.applicationId=<your application id (same as Google Play console)>

Download the Firebase Android App settings file to <Project Root>android/app/google-services.json. Please see Firebase for more information how to create a project & Android app.

Modify the file '/android/

Debug The App

In Visual Studio Code, select the "Debug Mode" & press [F5] to start the debugger.

  1. If your language is other than English, you can create a new language JSON file which copies from assets/langs/en-US.json to your language in same directory. For more information, please refer to the package easy_locations.


At project root, open a terminal and run:

$ flutter test

IMPORTANT: Testing relies SharedPreference data which was executed before. So make sure the app runs in debug mode successfully before performing tests.



When you deploy the App to Google Play, you'll need to generate code signing keys. Run Android Studio to do that:

  • In Android Studio menu, select 'Build', 'Generate Signed Bundle/API', 'Create New'
  • Keystore path: [project root]/android/app/upload-keystore.jks (make sure add this to .gitignore)
  • Enter the keystore password
  • Key alias enter 'key0'
  • Enter the key password (should same as above keystore password)
  • Enter your name, organizational unit, organization ... (every field should not empty)
  • Tick the two checkboxes. Click 'Next'
  • In the 'Build Variants' box, select 'release'. Click 'Finish'
  • It generates the private key on 'android/app/private_key.pepk'. Add this file to .gitignore



This app cannot be executed alone. It requires connect to the EstateManage backend. Please go to the backend repo for installation instructions.